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Literature & Language
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Social Media & Privacy Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

introduction and follow with 3 body paragraphs no need to write conclusion. Keep the APA format and add the references page.

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Social Media and Privacy
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Social Media and Privacy
Social media platforms apply information innovations in computer technology to create content and share it within the virtual communities in a given geographical region. As a result, users post their ideas and get feedback through social media platforms. However, privacy in terms of social media entails the safekeeping of personal privacy so that the storage process is secretive enough without a loophole for hacking. Equally, privacy comprises the right of an individual's personal information not to get displayed in social media internet services without their explicit consent. Therefore, this essay attempts to explain the link between social media and users' privacy, social media's benefits, threats to users' personal information, and ways to overcome the threats to ensure users' private information is secure.
The main social media networking services include Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Linkedln, and Snapchat. The common advantages of using social media include boosting global trade since a company can quickly reach many users. Hence, companies can use the platforms to colonize new markets through effective marketing strategies. Also, the platforms provide companies to have a direct audience with their prospective clients. As a result, they study their behavior patterns and get direct feedback on their company products' thoughts. The users' preferences can direct the company management to provide customized products and services that satisfy them (Hofacker & Belanche, 2016). Additionally, most social media platforms provide paid advertisement services where users and companies can create and build their brand due to access to many potential customers on an open interactive forum. Generally, the platforms are cost-effective since the site owners do not limit the number of potential customers to access the advertisement.
The main disadvantage of using the social media ...
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