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Mid-Semester Team Evaluation: Parental Leave Project

Essay Instructions:

just follow the guide to write andd the specific example in the essay can give myself to write


BEH.456 Ruelens Fall 2020 Mid-Semester Team Evaluation At the beginning of the semester, your team created a contract based on the ten teamwork processes described in the Driskell, Salas, and Driskell (2018) article. For this assignment, you will provide an evaluation of how well your team is engaging in these teamwork processes, which parts, if any, of your contract need to be improved, and how well each team member (including yourself) is contributing to the team. Your final evaluation must be written in essay format. This assignment is due on Sunday October 18 at 11:59PM (EST). Your evaluation will include: An introductory paragraph that: o Includes your team name and team members’ names. o The teamwork processes your team is successfully engaging in. o The teamwork processes your team needs to improve upon and why. o Specific suggestions for improvements to your team contract. A separate paragraph for each team member that includes: o The first name of the team member. o The role this person fills on your team (project coordinator, director of library research, director of research design, and director of public relations). o How well the team member has fulfilled the responsibilities of their role thus far o The most significant contributions the team member has made to the team thus far (provide specific examples). o The skills the member has improved upon since the start of the semester (provide specific examples). o The skills the team member needs to work on to be a better contributor to the team (provide specific examples). o What grade you would currently assign to the team member based on their performance thus far in the team (out of 100 i.e., what percentage?) A final paragraph about yourself that includes: o Your team role (project coordinator, director of library research, director of research design, and director of public relations). o How well you have fulfilled the responsibilities of your role thus far. o The most significant contributions you have made to the team thus far (provide specific examples) o The skills you have improved upon since the start of the semester (provide specific examples) o The skills you need to work on to be a better contributor to the team (provide specific examples) o What grade you would assign yourself based on your contributions to the team thus far (out of 100 i.e. what percentage?) BEH.456 Ruelens Fall 2020 Assignment format: • Put your name and the course number (BEH 456) at the top of the page (do not create a separate cover page) • Number your pages (position the page number at the top right corner) • Use 1-inch margins • Use 12-point Arial font • Use 1.5 or 2pt spacing • Indent the start of each paragraph • Do not include extra spaces between paragraphs Grading criteria: Your mid-semester evaluation will be graded based on the following: • Completeness of content (all requested information is included) • Inclusion of clear and appropriate examples (where requested) • The degree to which your evaluation reflects a professional tone and is objective rather than emotional • Quality of writing (strong transitions at the start of each paragraph, grammatically correct sentences) • Format (all formatting requests are met)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course number (BEH 456)
Mid-Semester Team Evaluation
Parental Leave Project
Sumayah Fadil – Project Coordinator
Nathan Doyle – Director of Public Relations
Madison McCrorey – Director of Library Research
TianYi Mei – Director of Research Design
The team successfully engaged in the transition processes, action processes, and interpersonal processes as there was collaboration among the team members, and common goals were established. In the transition process, there was mission analysis, goal specification, and emphasis on open communication, which was helpful to avoid ambiguity on expectations and tasks. Evaluating performance more often and addressing issues influencing cohesion, and cooperation would also be beneficial. Improving the team contract requires specifying the tasks on the contract as much as possible and addressing how meeting guidelines and procedures will be met.
Sumayah– Project Coordinator
Sumayah successfully coordinated and followed up on all the actions defined in the project and according to the project operations. She has also focused on ensuring that the project implementation strategy is sound and effective, to ensure compliance with the actions to achieve the objectives that are defined. The coordinator has improved on listening skills and will make reports and presentations that include the input of all members. Sumayah needs to improve analytical skills her analytical skills as many of the decisions require evaluating alternatives. I would assign 91 % based on her performance
Nathan -Director of Public Relations
The member has developed and proposed the implementation of communication strategies and information programs. This is important to gain public attention and coverage where the...
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