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George Berkeley and His Subjective Idealism

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the two essay questions below to answer and transmit back to me by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, 10/26/2020

Remember, the expectation is that these are formal essays. That means an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion. General rule for the main body is that the number of paragraphs corresponds to the number of points being made.

(1) Knowledge “innatism” argues that there is at least some innate knowledge, i.e. the claim that some knowledge is part of the mind, already ‘in’ the mind from birth, rather than gained from experience. If there is any innate knowledge, it cannot be a posteriori, but must be a priori. Locke argues that humans have no innate knowledge; Leibniz, in response, defends innate knowledge. Fully discuss the two sides of this issue and your conclusions.

This question is fairly straight-forward, in that it already defines what innatism is. Locke rejected innatism in his "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" and Leibniz replied in his "New Essays on Human Understanding". To answer this question:

(1) Explain Locke's position

(2) Explain Leibniz's position (against Locke)

(3) Give your conclusions

(2) Berkeley held that there are no “mind-independent” things, that “to be is to be perceived.” Hence, human knowledge is reduced to two elements, “spirits” and “ideas.” Explain what Berkeley means by these elements, and how the difference between them solves the “problem of other minds,” and the role of an “extremely powerful and intelligent spirit” (i.e. God) as the immediate cause of all our experiences. Furthermore, Berkeley’s position means that everything you think you know about the reality surrounding you is not something existing "per se," but it’s rather your perception of it, an idea inside your mind. Use the movie “The Matrix” (1999) as an example.

The question summarizes Berkeley's subjective idealism. To answer this question, you need to:

(1) Explain what Berkeley means by "spirits" and by "ideas"

(2) Explain how the difference between spirits and ideas solves the problem of other minds. The problem of other minds is the question " Given that I can only observe the behavior of others, how can I know that others have minds? That is, for any person only one's own mind is known to exist. No matter how sophisticated someone's behavior is, behavior on its own does not guarantee the presence of mentality. Another way of putting is it's the problem of the of justifying the "common sense" belief that others besides oneself possess minds and are capable of thinking and feeling the same as oneself.

(3) Explain God's role as the immediate cause of all our experiences according to Berkeley.

(4) How does "The Matrix" serve as an example of the notion that reality is an idea inside your mind.

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George Berkeley is a philosopher who is behind subjective idealism. It is based on the argument that “To be is to be perceived” (Berkeley, 2016). Berkley uses the concepts of “spirits” and “ideas” to explain his views. He argues that only the mind, spirit, or ideas are real. The universe is defined in terms of the idea, mind, and spirit (Berkeley, 2016). This contrasts with naturalism that focuses on matter and nature as the basis of reality. Berkeley emphasizes idealism, suggesting that there is more to the universe and life than what appears on the surface.
Human knowledge is based on ideas based on the senses or perceived by attending to the mind’s demands and passions. Ordinary objects are part of the physical world. This is a mind-dependent world that consists of ideas that have to be perceived so that they exist. On the other hand, spirits are different from ideas. The spirit is active, while ideas are passive (Daniel, 2018). He also tries to solve the problem of other minds by suggesting that two people ever really perceive the same thing. Each person has their distinct ideas. This means that people have different ideas, b...
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