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How Teachers can be more effective in the classrooms Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Topic: why is it essential that teachers have a deep understanding of the

lives of students and all learning theories, Why does understanding the lives/situations of one’s

students and the knowledge of learning theory help teachers be more effective in the classroom?

Guidelines: it needs to be an argumentative style paper on your point of view for the

topic question. This part of the paper should be well organized and use evidence from all of the readings to support your ideas/thinking. Each paragraph should include at least one direct or

indirect quote from the reading.

Readings: Ways of Learning Fourth Edition by Alan Pritchard

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Teachers can be More Effective in the Classrooms
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How Teachers can be More Effective in the Classrooms
Learning is a fairly demanding process for most students, yet it remains inevitable in an individual’s life. While informal learning is acknowledged like the formal one, the latter requires more than a simple lecture for the audience to optimize the learning process. Many researchers have studied how best teachers can ensure they deliver academic content to students in a manner that will increase their absorption rate and content amount. Overall, there is an overall correlation on the appropriate approaches that may come in handy to achieve this objective. The various theories of learning play a significant role in teachers’ understanding of students (Bates, 2019). It is against the same backdrop that this paper purposes to show why the knowledge of learning theories and the experience of students’ situations or lives are critical in helping teachers to be more effective in the classroom.
Behaviorism learning theory
According to Bates (2019), this theory supports the idea that a student’s behavior depends on how they interact with their environment. That is, the external forces contribute to learning and influence on actions to a more considerable extent than the internal details. Studies have shown that this theory is a fundamental basis for observable and measurable psychology, with notable exploitation of the positive reinforcement. In this sense, it implies that an expected reward is a direct and robust incentive for specific behavior among people. The International Bureau of Education (2020) says, “a response to a stimulus is reinforced when followed by a positive, rewarding effect.” Classroom teachers can apply this theory to enhance the desired effect of teaching. By understanding their students deeply, they can help the students to learn new concepts by utilizing a positive reinforcement, which impacts their retention positively. Further, this action may be repeated to achieve the result from the idea that through exercise and repetition, a response to a specific stimulus grows and becomes stronger. Therefore, the student develops the learning habit rather than a demanding process or activity.
Cognitive learning theory
Cognitive learning focuses on people way of thinking, suggesting that the understanding of human knowledge largely stems from people’s mental processes (Pritchard, 2017). The theory embraces both external and internal elements as essential in impacting learners. Frequently, students can control their ability to learn their learning behavior when they can comprehend how their thinking affects it. The International Bureau of Education (2020) claims, “In cognitive psychology, learning is understood as the acquisition of knowledge: the learner is an information-processor who absorbs information, undertakes cognitive operations on it, and stocks it in memory.” Understanding this theory and how it works is critical in achieving effectiveness by teachers in classrooms because it helps them know that recognizing what they think is essential in enhancing their learning. Indeed, this ability includes the students’ daily life. For example, teachers can give their students the chance to fail, ask questions in class, or to figure out various concepts as a way of gauging their ability to perceive new ideas. Consequently, the students will understand their thinking process, and apply the knowledge in creating more profound learning opportunities.
Connectivism learning theory
This theory is one of the latest that is used because of its applicability to learning. Despite the various questions on its suitability in the education field, it has received meaningful atte...
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