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Sculpture in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century and its Three-dimensional Art Form

Essay Instructions:

Select a reading, and write 500 word response
The essay is about sculpture (obviously) and what sculpture had become in the second half of the twentieth century. In the essay Krauss is questioning the three-dimensional art form of ‘sculpture’. She states ‘surprising things have come to be called sculpture’ She explains that looking back over the previous century the definition of art and sculpture has become more elastic, it has jumped out of it’s traditional box and dipped its toe in new areas.

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Sculpture in The Expanded Field
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In the article, "Sculpture in the Expanded Field," Rosalind Krauss outlines the manner in which the definition of art and sculpture has been changing over the years. Sculpturing has been able to take many forms, hence, making it difficult to define its historical meanings clearly. Kraus proves this by the various functions that have been emerging in the world of making sculptures. As a result, this has enabled critics and historians to outline the modern-day sculpture. Also, the author makes it clear that "the new is being made comfortable by being made familiar" (Krauss, 1979). Hence, this is a reflection of the advancements that have been taking place regarding sculptures. The advancements do not mean that the meaning of sculpture has changed by they are just an improvement of the historical precedents of sculpture. Artists use new ideas in order to keep up with the modern pace of art which is still defined as sculpture. As well, the nature of sculpture has been diluted through the attempt of the modernists to create sculptures similar to their historical precedents.
In her article, Krauss indicates that the modernists have removed the sense of place form sculpture as compared to the historical times whereby sculpture place through the means of a pedestal. She gives an example of the Balzac (1891-1897) and the Gates of hell (1880-1917) and the manner in which none of them was placed in their intended sites. Therefore, this means that the definition of sculpture regarding place has changed, but the for...
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