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Define And Describe Mathematics And Numeracy With Examples

Essay Instructions:

Define and describe mathematics. Support your discussion with one everyday (maths) phenomenon (e.g. in nature or built environments) that can be explained using mathematics. For example; the number of petals on a lily blossom is always a Fibonacci number, the way in which fern leaves form a geometric fractal or the symmetry of a butterfly. Other examples may include; the fractions of notes per measure to fit the tempo in music or the construction of the Egyptian pyramids using Pythagorean Theorem.

Define and describe numeracy, including at least one example of where you have used numeracy in your everyday life. 

Before you're ready to submit your essay, use the pre-submission checklist to ensure you've covered all of the requirements for this essay.

Criterion No Pass Pass

50-59% Credit

60-69% Distinction

70-79% High Distinction


Define and describe the similarities and differences between mathematics and numeracy.

(30%) Did not meet criterion. Definitions of mathematics and numeracy are provided. The definitions are clear in some places but it is difficult to see any comparison between the two terms to communicate similarities and differences. Definitions are not adequately supported with relevant research literature. Definitions of mathematics and numeracy are provided. The definitions are mostly clear but there is minimal comparison between the two terms to communicate similarities and differences. Definitions are supported with relevant research literature in some places. Definitions of mathematics and numeracy are provided. The definitions are clear and concise and some comparison between the two terms is provided to communicate similarities and differences. Definitions are supported with relevant research literature and course materials throughout. Definitions of mathematics and numeracy are provided. The definitions are clear and concise, and compare and contrast the two terms to communicate similarities and differences. Definitions are supported with a variety of relevant research literature and course materials throughout.

Recognise numeracy skills used in the real world.

(30%) Did not meet criterion. There is some evidence of recognition of the numeracy skills used in the real world. There is evidence of recognition of the numeracy skills used in the real world. Some real-world examples are provided and minimal links to mathematical concepts are made. There is a variety of evidence of recognition of the numeracy skills used in the real world. Various real-world examples are provided and linked to mathematical concepts. There is a variety of evidence of recognition of the numeracy skills used in the real world. Various real-world examples are provided and analysed in relation to mathematical concepts.

Identify everyday (maths) phenomena that can be explained using mathematics.

(30%) Did not meet criterion. Everyday (maths) phenomena that can be explained using mathematics is identified. Some examples are provided. No attempt has been made to link to research literature. Everyday (maths) phenomena that can be explained using mathematics is identified and supported with examples. There is an attempt to link to research literature. Everyday (maths) phenomena that can be explained using mathematics is identified, supported and explained through various examples. Some good links to research literature. are made. Everyday (maths) phenomena that can be explained using mathematics is identified, supported and explained through various examples and research literature.

Presentation and

APA referencing.


Did not meet criterion. The submission reads coherently. There are some spelling and grammatical errors throughout. APA referencing style has been followed but there are still many errors throughout. The submission reads coherently. There are minimal spelling and grammatical errors throughout. APA referencing style has been followed with some errors throughout. The submission reads clearly and coherently. There are no spelling errors and minimal grammatical errors throughout. APA referencing style has been followed with few errors throughout. The submission reads clearly and coherently and is reflective of the academic writing style. There are no spelling and grammatical errors throughout. APA referencing style has been followed accurately.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mathematics in Everyday Life
[Institutional Affiliation]
Mathematics in Everyday Life
Mathematics is regarded as one of the most important elements in a human life. The humans are not able to make basic movements or perform the fundamental operation without the application of mathematics in our life (Cavior, 2003). The mathematics has made our personal and community lives reliable and efficient and without it, we are soldiers without their weapons. Mathematics is rightfully given the name of “Mother of Science” as it is the first analytic skill bestowed to us by nature (Cavior, 2003). Right from the beginning of the human race, the man was only able to communicate with other in form of numbers as it is evident from the artifacts obtained from early Indus, and Egyptian civilizations (Cavior, 2003). Later one this language transformed itself to be applied to almost every aspect of the human race. For instance, there can be only “one” God as believed by the ancient civilizations and all of the human race are the descendants of “two” humans Adam and Eve (Haigh, 2016). This essay summarizes the common applications of “Mother of Science” and its language numerology in our daily lives. If mathematics is the “Mother of Science” than numerology is the language spoken by it. We normally know numerology as the units of physical quantities which are available to use owing to the advancements made in the mathematics. We use such quantities in our daily activities. For instance, the distance from home to office or school is always measured in the meters or kilometers which are the units of distance available to us owing to mathematics (Haigh, 2016). Without these units, we were never able to measure or quantify physical quantities like weight, length, and speed in our daily lives. “The mathematics is defined as a field on science in which numerology is used in coordination with algebraic, trigonometric, and engineering analytical methods to explain a scientific phenomenon” (Campos, Morgado, & Catarino, 2018). “The numerology is the representation of the scientific analysis in form of numbers” (Campos, Morgado, & Catarino, 2018).
Mathematics (example): the common definition of a function is the prediction of an output in relation to a specific input. We use them in almost every activity, for instance, we use a calculated amount of gas depending on the engine “function” of a vehicle to go over a desired distance “output” based on the gas “input” for a vehicle (Haigh, 2016). Moreover, we use a calculated amount and measure the number of salts, sugar, and spices in our dishes. Now imagine a life in which we have no idea about the functionality of an engine and have no standards for poring salts or sugar in our dishes. The result is the total paralysis in terms of diet and transportation.
Mathematics and Industries: almost every person on the planet at some time in the life visits a hospital or industrial facilities. The medicine and industrial products like soap are manufactured using advanced mathematical modeling and manufacturing methods. Imagine a life in which a person is having a high fever and he goes to a hospital. The doctors simply have no idea about the quantity of the medicine to be administrated and no way to measure the vital signs of the patients. Both patient and doctors might find themselves in a situation which can prove to be fatal for the patient.
Numerology Example: the entire banking system since its introduction in the early sixteenth century i...
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