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The Empire Fights Back & the Gentlemen of the JungleHome and Exile

Essay Instructions:

Three individual assignment

1. Read till "The Empire Fights Back." Tie Jomo Kenyatta's fable "The Gentlemen of the Jungle" to Achebe's comments about possession and repossession of stories. What connection does he make between the two?

2. Read to "Letters From Home" and briefly write about what Achebe means by "the balance of stories" and how he feels this balance will be achieved.

3. Finish the whole book of Home and Exile, briefly write about your reaction to Rushdie's comment that "Literature has little or nothing to do with a writer's home address." Should it and how does that tie to the idea of a balance of stories?

Finish these three task one by one and write about 150 - 200 word to each question.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Homework on Home and Exile
The Empire Fights Back & the Gentlemen of the Jungle
The empire fights back is an excerpt from Home and Exile by Chinua Achebe and describes the African literature which is written by the outsiders. He examines the outrage at the racist depiction of his people and home, his resolution and determination of fighting back using the novels to provide Nigerian perspectives and his desire and readiness to face substantial trouble while telling true stories (Achebe, 2001). The Gentlemen of the Jungle on the other side is an indictment regarding European colonialism and a warning to the Africans against welcoming outsiders. In this story, the European imperialists are depicted as people who will welcome themselves into Africa then slowly introduce harsh policies against the indigenous people. In this case, we can understand that African or the indigenous people are in charge or are in possession of their culture and literature, however, this possession may be lost to the outsiders if the Africans do not control and reclaim it. To repossess, African need to be in charge and manage what is done or said about them, and they do not agree with.
Letters from Home
This is an extract from Home and Exile, which is one of the latest books by the Novelist Chinua Achebe, a compilation of three lecturers Achebe gave at Harvard University in December 1998 and describes the translation to a new era in literature. This book may be viewed as an autobiography and a rumination on the power stories which are aimed to create a sense of dispossession or to grant strength based on who is writing. Achebe describes his gradual realization that Mister Johnson was just one of the many books that were written by the Westerners that intr...
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