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Dual Process Thinking

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Dual Process Thinking
Dual Process Thinking
System 1 involves judgments that are not informed by an individual’s cognitive ability. The judgment is fast, free of the working memory and is largely informed by emotions, intuition, and association (Schulze, 2014). Thus, the system 1 is unconscious and effortless, which makes it automatic. System 2, on the other hand, involves thinking that is slow and highly dependent on the cognitive ability of an individual. According to Sinclair (2014), system 2 varies depending on the level of intelligence of the person and requires some level of effort. Another characteristic of system 2 is that it is heritable, which explains why people are very different when it comes to analyzing situations that require time and effort. Also, decision-making is largely dependent on system 1, unless when the working memory and system 2 comes into play.
When attending a typical class, acquiring a sitting space is one of the aspects of that experience that would involve the use of system 1. This is because I automatically know that I have to sit down during the class and as such, that decision does not require any effort. As Schulze (2014) reveals, system one processing is free of general intelligence and the working memory, and as such, anyone can figure out that he or she would need a seat. Further, reading projected PowerPoint texts requires system 1 processing because, by association or past experiences, which is what informs system one thinking, I know that the information being projected is important and even if I did not care about the information, Iwould unconsciously look up to read the text. In addition, signing a class attendance sheet is an aspect that would require system 1. This is because signing an attendance sheet does not require any general intelligence and according to Schulze (2014), lack of dependency on general intelligence is one of the major aspects of system 1 thinking. Further, past experience of attending classes can inform this decision to sign a class attendance sheet, meaning that the activity already exists in my subconscious and it will be automatically activated once I attend a class.
Outlining what my objectives and expectations at the end of a typical class are is an aspect that requires system 2 thinking. First, I have to think long and hard about my expectations, which requires conscious thinking. Second, I will have to make an effort to get to the class early so ...
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