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Adults Over The Age Of 65 Need Required Testing To Drive

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Adults over 65 years need required testing to drive
Obtaining a driver’s license is one of the most precious feelings in life. Several people eagerly count down their age in readiness for the application of the driver’s license. Once the younger persons reach the age legal for the sitting the driving test and get their license, the story ends. In many occasions, very few persons think about the other side of the experience. The younger or newly licensed drivers may be excused - but what about the individuals who are experienced in driving? Do they sit down and think of their future behind the wheels? Your guess may be as good as mine. Having a lot travelled in a car driven by a senior member of the family, some of them notably make abysmal decisions behind the wheels.
In other instances, they have exposed their lack of awareness of the environment. These experiences always leave me wondering how safe the older persons are not only to themselves but to the persons they carry and other road users when they drive. However, it is true that people go through different issues and live in different environments – which determines their Whether this happens to all the elderly is a question to be researched. It is indisputable that as people age, they lose their cognitive abilities irrespective of their physical health. Therefore, this paper examines whether these adults over the age of 65 years either require or do not require individual tests to be allowed to drive.
Available literature for the study
As people grow older, they lose agility as well as some cognitive capabilities. This loss directly affects both the visual and auditory capacities of the respective ageing person. Thus, the person’s awareness of the environment becomes poor. Knowledge of the surroundings is very crucial not only respond to emergencies but also in general movements within the environment (Donoro et al. 2009). The need for the awareness is higher especially when we get on the roads or any other place with a large group of people (Classen, S., Awadzi, K. D., & Mkanta, W. W., 2008).
On the contrary to the opinions, the older driver’s are considered very mature and highly seasoned. As such they assume much care when on the roads than the younger agile and hyper individuals. The younger persons are easily distracted – subsequently, they lose concentration on the road which predisposes them to accidents. We may argue that they have strong and swift reflexes but how the response will be effective depends on the situations encountered (Adler, G., & Rottunda, S., 2006).
Individuals supporting the subject say it is crucial since it assists in providing different perspectives on their driving performances (Ortíz et al., (2018). An adult will be able to identify how they perform while driving as compared to when they were younger, and therefore, they can determine how best to drive safely. An adult driver through testing would also be able to identify if they need to continue driving or to stop driving, (Ball et al. 2006). Test driving that is done in person helps to license officers to identify signs of health conditions that could affect an individual’s driving ability. Test driving plays a significant role in ensuring that unsafe drivers are not on the roads but also keeps the mobility and independence of the over 65 adults.
Literature Gaps
Although it is important to consider the subject, the suitability tests are not clear regarding scopes of the tests required for the adult drivers. Besides, the studies do not take into account the exact tests that ought to be taken by the adult drivers. As such, the subject can be given objectiv...
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