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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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How Participating in a Sport enables Better Time Management Skills

Essay Instructions:

Write peer reviews for two Problem/Solution essays from a college writing class.

1. Follow the template provided to you in Guidelines for Writing Peer Reviews

2. do NOT line edit or grammar check drafts—that is the student’s responsibility

3. remember the goal of peer reviews is to build upon what the student has written to help the student strengthen his/her draft

4. suggest where possible specific ways the student could improve upon or expand what is already there in the draft

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Essay Peer Review
Essay Peer Review
Peer Review Response to “How Participating in a Sport enables Better Time Management Skills”
Your introduction clearly indicates that time management is a problem, especially for students pursuing higher education. I specifically like the information you have provided indicating that higher education students face this problem because they have no parental or teacher supervision and, therefore, they have to manage time on their own. However, I think providing more information on what happens when students are unable to manage their time effectively can improve your essay. For example, you could provide details on missed assignments or class attendance, which will further show that the problem exists and its gravity on students.
I understand that participating in sports is the solution you have proposed to address the problem of time management. The details you have provided in the second paragraph, in terms of a quote, outlines how sports activities enable students to effectively plan their time, both in school and off-school. Using a popular athletic figure such as Shannon Miller gives credit to your proposal because she has been able to successfully balance and manage her time between all her responsibilities. However, your proposal seems to benefit people who can actually take part in sporting activities. Given that students in higher education institutions are diverse, both in physical abilities and hobbies, I think proposing a solution(s) that helps everyone will be convincing. Better yet, you can propose an alternative solution to students who cannot participate in sports for whatever reasons.
You have not addressed any objections that may be raised to refute your proposal, such as the one I have stated above concerning students who cannot take part in sports. Your essay has not provided alternative solutions to students either. I gather that the the...
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