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Relationship of Academic and Sleep Performance

Essay Instructions:

Paper Guidelines:

Intro: Hook & Thesis Statement

Body: Mention the 3 articles, Similarities & Differences

Conclusion: Restated Thesis

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparison of Articles
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A large number of people do not get enough sleep. According to Ayeshah Beeshi Alqarni, Nouf Jafar Alzahrani, Mohammed Ateih Alsofyani, and Asim Abdulhadi Almalki, a nation where students stay up all night to study or have fun may never achieve the success needed for its survival (Alqarni et al. 2018). This is because students develop various physical and mental diseases due to the lack of sleep. Going to school, college or university without adequate sleep can leave both short-term and long-term effects on one’s studies and health.
The college is where students have to face a lot of challenges. From attending the lecture early in the morning to completing the lab report on time and from submitting an assignment to giving a presentation, students have to deal with multiple things at a time. These experiences come at a cost given increasing tuition fees and ballooning student debts, and thus, it is essential for students to prepare themselves to work hard. The potential obstacles to their success are sleep deprivation, irregular sleeping schedules, and daytime sleepiness.
Daytime sleepiness, according to Craig M Becker, Troy Adams, Caroline Orr, and Lyndsay Quilter, is one of the major sleeping disorders. It is exhibited by 60 percent of students compared to 30 percent of adults and adolescents (Becker et al. 2008). This study included over 54,000 participants belonging to 71 institutions. They were randomly selected, and the results of this research project revealed that male and female students who were taking enough sleep were physically active and mentally strong. In contrast, male and female students who were unable to sleep well complained about poor performance and various health problems.
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