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Recommendations for Aging Well

Essay Instructions:

The paper documents your recommendations for what promotes aging well, using outside sources and course readings to support your claim/suggestion. Cite sources for your recommendations in a 2 to 3 page, double-spaced paper, plus a separate “References” page according to APA 6th edition style.

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Recommendation for Aging Well
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Recommendation for Aging Well
Old age is always associated with decreased immunity in a lot of people. Minimizing the possibility of these consequences is always a task everyone should uphold. This is because no one can compromise old age. So, it takes efforts to ensure that the body does not give in easily to some preventable repercussions. There are several factors that contribute to aging well. Although there many of them, this report places emphasizes on the role of diet, physical exercises, cognitive-simulating activities and ancient practices like yoga.
Food is ever a vital component in a human being that significantly determines their health status. It becomes even more important when considers the rise of junk food in the contemporary society. Eating such type of food for an extended period is a guarantee to attaining obesity. It becomes a worse ideal for aging people. Aging well requires the integration of fruits and vegetables into the primary dishes of the day. They are also advised to mind about their fat intake. Further, the foods should contain a low glycemic load. Harmell et al. (2014) that eating healthy reduces the risking of attaining depression in old age. Depression is a mental disorder that causes high mobility among the patients. It is advisable that some takes care of the food they take.
Physical exercises are renowned methods of staying health and fit. However, it is essential that the young ones adopt these skills when they are young. As they grow older, they understand their body better. Physical exercises is a proven method that prevents cardiovascular diseases from attacking the body. Therefore, it is unlikely that old person will suffer from illnesses such as heart attacks. Besides, th...
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