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Recommendation for aging well. Physical Activity. Cognitive Simulation

Essay Instructions:

Aging Well Paper #2: The second paper documents your recommendations for what promotes aging well, using outside sources and course readings to support your claim/suggestion. Cite sources for your recommendations in a 2 to 3 page, double-spaced paper, plus a separate “References” page according to APA 6th edition style.

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Recommendation for Aging Well
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Recommendation for Aging Well
Aging is an inevitable ideal and as one ages, there are physical, psychological, and social losses along the way. Aging well determines whether the relative individual can robustly handle these incoming deficiencies. There are a number of factors that lead to aging well. Physical activities, cognitive-simulation exercises, diet, and ancient practices have been documented to have profound effects.
Physical Activity
In the aging process, it is great if one is engaged in physical activities. These are exercises that facilitate movement of the body’s muscles. They someone to stay energetic as they get older. Besides, there are documented health risks such as osteoarthritis, metabolic disease, and cardiovascular diseases that accompany the aging process. Physical exercises aid in eliminating these risks. The American College of Sports Medicine reveal that physical activity for the aging well equates to a mere 30 minutes a day. 150 minutes in a week is a short amount of time that everyone can afford (Harmell, Jeste, & Depp, 2014). Research also indicates that physical exercises promote the development of cognitive functioning domains such as global cognition, attention, executive functioning, and verbal memory. People who accommodate this lifestyle reduce the risk of attaining mild cognitive impairment (Geda et al., 2010). The goal is to be fit every time. Such an objective guarantees physical activities are hobbies that one enjoy.
Cognitive Simulation
Despite the fact that physical exercises are vital in attaining an enhanced cognitive ability, health personnel also advocate for cognitively-stimulating activities. These are necessary to mitigate against any future cognitive decline. Such activities can include board/card games, chess, and practicing crossword puzzles. Participating in these activities for approximately 6 hours a week is a significant element in reducing the risk of incident dementia (Hughes, Chang, Vander Bilt, & Ganguli, 2010). Cognitive simulation is a process that also helps patients diagnosed with dem...
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