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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Donald Trump Dealing With Trade Issues in China

Essay Instructions:

To repeat what I said and showed in class last Tuesday, the second paper should be 1-4 verses (160 words) of "your own Analects" using primarily characters from the Analects but placing them in a modern setting, interacting with modern figures. So, for example, you could have four verses and in one have Donald Trump asking Confucius how to deal with the trade issues involving China. Or how a ruler should rule. Then up to three more short verses. Or you could have one long conversation between Confucius, any of the disciples and someone modern. Be creative. Don't use quotations taken from the internet. Since you will be creating dialogues, it might be useful to go to the Writing Center for help revising your work. Don't put this off too long because the Writing Center becomes very busy toward the end of the semester. You can talk to me about your Analects after class or in my office hour (2:30 T in 1208 Van HIse) or to one of the TAs. But we won't read your paper in draft form (no way to open than opportunity up for 207 of you!).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Donald Trump Dealing With Trade Issues in China
Donald Trump asking Confucius how to deal with the trade issues involving China
Trump said: he was increased support for Taiwan in its decade’s long dispute with China’s economy. He participated in the disinvited China’s navy from participating in simple international military exercise putting pressure on Chinese Communist Party funded culture and language programs (Hu, 2018).
Trump said: according to his current administration to squeeze China specifically its economy in a manner that it finally decides to play in relation rules once and for all. Master claimed that China has crippled America.
Trump said: If there was still an off-ramp in America and China trade st...
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