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Reflection Paper on Leadership and Communication Traits

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Reflection Paper on Leadership and Communication Traits
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Leadership and Communication Traits
Transparency: involves the willingness of a leader to be open, forthcoming, and straightforward with information. The audiences and employees are highly likely to lose trust quickly in case they feel their leaders are subterfuge. When trust is lost, it is very difficult to regain.
Accountability: this involves the responsibility of the leader in case of an issue in the organization. Leaders should always step up and be accountable for an organization (Tourish, 2016). Most of the time, the leaders exacerbate the organizational crises by blame-shifting, excuses, or denial.
Integrity: leaders lacking integrity should be viewed with much scrutiny. Effective communicators would be able to identify critical issues like hypomania and leaders' psychopathy. These attributes can wreak havoc in organizations and their reputations or even brands. A healthy leader should always have a healthy conscience at all times.
Expertise: effective leaders should always have the requisite knowledge, skills as well as the required attributes of performing successfully.
Empathy: this is mainly a soft skill that is usually maligned and even misunderstood. Empathetic leaders have the primary aspect of emotional intelligence, which is among the powerful components of healthy organizational cultures (Johnson & Hackman, 2018). Empathy involves the feeling of understanding and sharing other people's emotions and experiences.
Listening more and speaking less: listening is considered to be among the best ways of communicating. This is mainly because one can gather information, new perspectives, and also learn new ideas as well as building trust. Great leaders are said to listen to understand as compared to just listening to respond.
Praise and recognition: despite financial rewards being effective ways of communicating pleasure in a place of work, praise and recognition are also powerful tools for co...
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