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What is the role of failure and struggle in learning

Essay Instructions:
Assignment Write a Reading Response for the article, “What is the role of failure and struggle in learning? By Dr. Debbie Donsky https://higheredrevolution(dot)com/what-is-the-role-of-failure-and-struggle-in-learning-8f900e1f9a11 Instructions The reading response should include: An introductory paragraph which includes the name of the article, the author, the name of the website that has posted the article and the URL for the article offers a thesis statement which captures the main message of the article One paragraph (or more if needed) that summarizes the message of the article. Include who the article is addressed to, i.e. who do you think the author's audience is? One paragraph that answers how the author went about conveying her message? What were her strongest points? Describe the use of the cartoons and the box of famous people who have experienced failure. One paragraph about your opinion of the article and if you think the author conveyed her message effectively. A one paragraph conclusion that: restates the thesis statement of the article says what you think about the issue.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
What is the role of failure and struggle in learning? Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number Instructor Date What is the role of failure and struggle in learning? Failure and struggle are typical in all learning scenarios because of the nature of the processes involved before someone retains new knowledge. They form the basis of this article entitled “What is the role of failure and struggle in learning?”. The article is authored by Dr. Debbie Donsky, published in 2016 on the Medium website, available at https://higheredrevolution.com/what-is-the-role-of-failure-and-struggle-in-learning-8f900e1f9a11. During a learning process, an individual is bound to fail over time but ultimately yields positive results. Given this critical contribution, the assessment must be designed appropriately to positively impact while remaining mindful of parents' contribution to overall success. In summary, the article appreciates the advantages people enjoy that relate to struggling and failing. The author notes that most people disregard this fact, as seen in them getting disappointed when they record low grades. Donsky (2016) strengthens this point by borrowing from Katz and Dack’s idea that as barriers, they enhance the ability to acquire new knowledge and promote cognitive development. Further, she shares important highlights on the role of assessment, pointing out that it should be part of instead of being an end to learning, which is common with evaluation. Through appropriate assessment, learners learn to think about more complex questions and consult constructively among their peers, fellow students, and teachers. Donsky (2016) finishes by recognizing the critical role parents have in learners’ success. Given the author’s tone, focus, and stand, the author’s audience is parents and teachers. Donsky has conveyed her message through vivid descriptions, and examples that she believes are relevant to the a...
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