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Cognitive development in school-age children Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Your post should be at least 250 words. Please remember to answer to 2 of your classmates' discussions (on 2 separate days) by Saturday. The reply to your classmates should be at least 100 words each. The references (in APA format) are not included in the word count!

Reference book used that Experience Human Development, 13th ed.

at least one references need.

Discussion 1

Describe cognitive development in school-age children

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 4 Discussion
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Week 4 Discussion
As school-age children grow, their minds and bodies go through certain changes. The school-age is essential because it equips children with the skills they need to be successful at school, at home, and in their communities. Cognitive development is a major part of the changes that take place as a child grows. This paper describes cognitive development in school-age children.
Cognitive development in school-age children is aided by thinking skills. As children encounter new people, routines, and ideas, their thinking skills begin to show. By attending school, they begin to understand abstract ideas promoted through books and arts (Papalia & Martorell, 2014). 
Children aged between five and seven years begin to understand how they are supposed to behave. At this age, school-going children also develop their oral skills, acquire new vocabulary, and learn how to construct sentences (Papalia & Martorell, 2014). Ages five to seven are also when children enjoy buildin...
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