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Emotional disorders in school-age children

Essay Instructions:

Your post should be at least 250 words. Please remember to answer to 2 of your classmates' discussions (on 2 separate days) by Saturday. The reply to your classmates should be at least 100 words each. The references (in APA format) are not included in the word count!

The reference books used Experience Human Development, 13th ed. responsible to read chapters 9 and 10.

Describe emotional disorders that can develop in school-age children, along with treatment techniques and children’s ability to cope with stress

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 4 Discussion
Emotional disorders in school-age children include mental disorders where the emotions of the minor are disturbed. Ordinarily, these disorders are not facilitated by abnormalities in brain functions but are psychological conditions, whether thoughts and emotions are not in their proper state. Some of the common emotional disorders that may be common among school-going children include conduct disorder, where the minors are likely to be diagnosed with aggressiveness, destructive attitude, and anti-social behavior. The conduct disorder may be treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy that would enable the children to address problems, improve communication, and manage stress.
Personality disorders are also common among children who have challenges maintaining healthy relationships, and they are likely to blame individuals around them for problems that they have facilitated. Personality disorder in teens may be demonstrated in uneasiness in close relationships and uncertainty i...
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