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Literature & Language
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Literature & Language Essay: Marketing Discussion

Essay Instructions:


1.Chapter 12(p346) in Juska: Juska, J. M. (2018). Chapter 12:The IMC Plan Integrated marketing communication: Advertising and promotion in a digital world. NY, NY: Routledge.

2.Read this material on measuring marketing communications: https://courses(dot)lumenlearning(dot)com/marketing-spring2016/chapter/reading-measuring-marketing-communication-effectiveness/

Answer these questions:

1. Now that you're finished with the text(Juska), share 1-2 of your biggest takeaways with the class and how you have applied (or plan to apply) them in your life and work. 

2. What do you see being key performance indicators for your organization’s marketing? What makes these metrics more important than others?

(my org-pmCAN-its a video content production org, see here https://pmcanmedia(dot)wixsite(dot)com/ubelonghere/about-us)

3. Lastly, pose a question to your classmates that they can respond to based on your responses.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing Discussion
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Marketing Discussion
Now that you are finished with the text share 1-2 of your biggest takeaways with the class and how you have applied (or plan to apply) them in your life and work.
The two biggest takeaways from the class were targeting and packaging. Before taking this course, I had a rough idea of how targeting and packaging were important. My perception regarding packaging and targeting was that consumer goods were the most appropriate for applying the concepts. However, I have learned that the concept of targeting and packaging should be applied in all the products. For example, I plan to use targeting to identify the primary customers that my company serves and seek to acquire more of them through advertising. I will also design an elegant package for presenting any physical products such as flash disks and memory cards, among others, to the clients. In addition, since video product also has a service aspect, I will strive to package the service to enhance the cu...
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