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Reflecting Back to Look Forward. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Congratulations! You are almost at the end of your first semester at AU. We know that this semester was unexpected in many ways and still challenging and rewarding. Throughout AUx1 we have focused on providing opportunities for you to learn about who you are and how you engage with AU all while taking a holistic approach to wellness. When you are coming to the end of something it is important to use that moment to pause and think back to what went well for you, what you learned, and how you can apply those lessons in the future. For the final assignment, we are asking for you to engage in the process of critical self-reflection on your college transition to AU.

Throughout the semester you explored your identities, community, and dimensions of wellness. With this frame, you will reflect on your experiences in AUx1 and your transition to AU. You will Integrate at least three sources from AUx by sharing how these sources impacted your college transition to AU (citations of your previous work do not count as sources, but please include examples from your assignments if they support your reflection). Lastly, we ask you to look ahead to the next semester. How are you going to apply what you learned about yourself in all these different areas to your next semester at AU?


To start this reflection, use the below “Questions to Guide Your Reflection”, though not all of the below questions are required.

• Over the semester, consciously or unconsciously, you developed habits. What worked well for you? What habits would you look to change?

Questions to Guide Your Reflection

• How have the dimensions of wellness worked together for you this semester? What areas did you feel that you want to focus on more next semester?

• What worked well for you in online classes? How can you use that in hybrid or in person classes in the future?

• How has your idea or expectations of a college education changed since transferring to AU? Where do you see the value?

• Looking back at the “Examining Wellness” Assignment, how did your idea and practice of wellness evolve in the second half of the semester? How will you continue to practice wellness next semester?

• This semester you answered four reflective prompts at various points throughout. What did you learn about yourself from this reflection? How will you continue to reflect in the future?

• What mistakes did you ma

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflecting Back to Look Forward
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number
Reflecting Back to Look Forward
Experience is an integral part of life, especially when someone has an opportunity to undertake previously unseen activities. It is often overwhelming and exciting to see how various processes and events unfold and become part of our growth experience. Life in the university is a typical example of an opportunity for a critical self-reflection because of the vast lessons people learn, which significantly impact later lifestyle and habits, such as taking a holistic approach to wellness. In that regard, during this ending semester, I have had a vital experience learning about and exploring identities, wellness dimensions, and community. Therefore, this reflection relates to the experiences in Aux1 and the subsequent transition o AU, and my plans for next semester by applying the different lessons learned.
How dimensions of wellness have worked together and areas to focus on more next semester
Wellness is a broad concept that covers more than just being physically fit or going to the gym to flex muscles alone. Meiselman (2016) asserts that being healthy entails a systematic and complex approach integrating mental, physical, environmental, and emotional wellbeing, among other states. Different studies have a common correlation that the evolution of wellness stemmed from distinct areas that achieve a prosperous and balanced life through complimenting one another. For example, my life was often in an imbalance state whenever I had a hurting arm despite being emotionally stable. Similarly, I realized that to be comprehensively healthy each day during the transition, and I had to have adequate finance for upkeep, attend physical education practical, be spiritually satisfied, and be stress-free by avoiding actions and behaviors that could initiate exacerbate tension and anxiety.
These standard dimensions influence each other by frequently interacting, thereby contributing to overall wellness. Therefore, inadequacy in one of the dimensions creates an imbalance that impacts health significantly. The crucial role these fundamentals play may be understood through scrutiny into each of them. Maintaining physical wellness involved me having adequate sleep, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced and healthy diet. Emotionally, I ensured I was aware of and comfortable with my feelings and thoughts while absorbing others’. Moreover, throughout the semester, my spiritual wellness was covered through continuous guidance and realization that I had a purpose in life, making me embrace the desire to attain worthy experiences.
Additionally, as a wellness dimension, the environment came in handy in ensuring I am free from hazards by promoting the conservation of natural resources around me. For instance, they included moping using a wet duster instead of a dry one and taking cation while swimming during the summer holiday to avoid pool water contamination. All the dimensions were vital because they enabled me to manage the spontaneity and convolutions that life at AU presented before me. Given the above scenario, I intend to focus more on my social wellness because my continued and successful stay at AU is mostly dependent on how I communicate, interact, and relate with others.
What worked well for me in online classes and how I can use it in hybrid or in-person classes in the future
While many institutions strive to provide different learning platforms to their students, I had an exciting opportunity to attend online classes. This ending seme...
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