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Literature & Language
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College Writing - WRTG 100. Final Reflection. Literature & Language

Essay Instructions:

College Writing - WRTG 100
Final Reflection
For this final reflection project, I’d like you to reflect on this semester of writing, and on yourselfas a writer and thinker. The goal of this reflection is to pinpoint where you are now, in thismoment, as a writer. Your relationship with writing is an ongoing process of growth and change.The way you use language has evolved into what it is now, and it will continue to morph andshift into the future. Think of this reflection project as an effort to capture this particular time inyour writing career.
Consider these two questions:1) Where are you coming from?• What sort of relationship have you had with writing in the past?• Have you considered it a strength? A weakness? An obligation?• What specific skills did you possess before this semester?2) Where are you headed?• Do you sense your relationship with writing is changing?• What work do you have to do to develop and grow as a writer?• Given the choice, what would you like your relationship with writing to become?• What specific skills are you still hoping to obtain?Some Requirements:• Two-page minimum• Incorporate, and interrogate, a piece of writing advice you’ve received or encountered. Ifyou’d like, you can also briefly research “writing advice” and choose something that sparks astrong reaction.• Quote yourself from Writing Project #3. This quote must be properly incorporated/presented,and you must spend a moment unpacking it to try to perceive and assess the writer (YOU!) itrepresents.For this last reflection, a creative format is optional—but no matter what, you should make yourbest effort to keep the writing interesting and alive. Reflection Grading CriteriaReflectiveThoughtThe reflection is honest and thoughtful. Thewriter has reflected on their process and habits.The writer also reflects on their thinking, and onthe experience of entering and trying to navigateongoing conversations through the writtenword./20Support/EvidenceThe reflection points to specific processassignments, in-class work, homework,readings, activities and discussions. The writerhas included a specific quote of their own work,and has engaged with that quote in a meaningfulway—not just dropped it in and left it./20Organization The reflection has a coherent structure andorganizing principle. On the global level, thewriter shows a sophisticated awareness of form.On the local level, the writer’s thoughts movelogically from one to the next./20Style The reflection has been written in a deliberatestyle that augments and enhances the writer’swork of reflective thinking./20Correctness The reflection has nearly no grammatical,mechanical, or formatting errors. The writingdemonstrates care and attention to detail. /20

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Writing is a practice every learner encounters in their education journey. It is a learning process that we improve bit by bit until we perfect it. This essay is a reflection of my writing experience this semester in college. It highlights my journey as a writer and a thinker from I have come from and where I am heading.
I have heard an unfriendly relationship with writing in the past. My biggest challenge was to construct sensible and structural sentences to build a paragraph. It is challenging to collect facts and put them in writing to produce chronologically arranged sections of ideas (Fareed et al., 2016). Another issue that deteriorated my relationship with writing is paraphrasing ideas from information sources. I ended up copy-pasting some phrases because I made my mind rigid to expand the views from sources. This relationship, however, improved with time.
I considered my relationship with writing a strength. It challenged me to do more research on writing to ensure that I perfect it. I believe learning is a process that encourages us to try even after failing because no one is perfect. Therefore, we should take every challenge as an opportunity to expand our knowledge. Every time I received negative comments or criticism, I took it as an opportunity to do more research and correct the mistake. I believe this is what has nurtured my writing. Before this semester, I possessed paraphrasing and information sourcing skills. However, I had not perfected these...
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