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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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M7A1: Journal 7. Literature & Language Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

During Modules 1 through 7, you are asked to focus on a specific chapter of your choice from the Zig Zag text. After carefully reading this chapter, reviewing and practicing the techniques, little exercises, or games, write a weekly journal entry on this chapter. For Module 7, complete the remaining two chapters, so that you will have completed all of the chapters in the text. This activity aligns with module outcome 3.

In preparation for writing your journal entry, choose and carry out any 3 of the activities presented in the two remaining chapters you will be focusing on for Module 7. If you wish to complete more than 3 activities, you may. At least one of the 3 activities must be collaborative. You may collaborate with classmates or people outside the class in person, by phone or video phone software such as Skype. Go to your “Inbox” in the left side toolbar of the course, to make initial contact with classmates. The Inbox is the course email system and you will be able to see the names of your classmates there.

Write a 1 to 2-page journal entry on the process and results of the 3 activities. Include the following information about each activity in each journal entry:

name of the activity including the chapter where it appears

individual or collaborative activity

where you were and time of day

description or process

reasons why you chose it

what you learned about creativity and problem solving

how you will apply this learning personally and professionally

Submit your Module 7 journal by the end of Module 7. You will receive your grade and feedback on your journal entries for Modules 4 through 7 after Module 7. Journals are assessed using the SLA Journal Rubric. Review the rubric carefully so you understand how you are graded.

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Submit Assignment” in the upper right corner. Click on “Browse,” browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to the Browse button. Enter your comments, if any, in the Comments area. Click on “Submit Assignment.”


Journals from Modules 4 through 7 will be graded using the Journal Rubric located on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here section of the course. Please review the rubric prior to beginning your work so that you ensure your submission meets the criteria in place for this assignment. Journals from Modules 4 through 7 account for 15% of your final grade.

please add some kind of collaboration into this entry.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your Name:
Subject and Section:
Professor’s Name:
Date Submitted:
Journal Entry
Creativity and problem-solving skills are often associated with various methods and techniques, but one of the most common ways to express is through fusing. The ability to fuse thoughts, concepts, ideas, objects, experiences, etc., helps live a life full of creativity, both in personal and professional aspects.
The score that I specifically got on my creativity assessment for fuse is 5 out of 6 possible points. The questions ranged from hobbies and interests to socialization with other people. Just by merely answering the questions written in the assessment form, I reflected on what activities I am doing related to fuse. I also realized how applicable the concept of the fuse is in our daily lives, and this in turn reflects on how an individual can practice and improve their creativity skills.
One of the activities that I tried doing involves the second practice of fusing, specifically, making analogies. I chose this task because it is very similar to a game that I used to play with my classmates when I was young, but that game was more superficial than making analogies involved infusing. I did this activity individually. I made direct analogies using the things I found in my bedrooms, such as a mirror, lamp, curtain, and pillow. I wrote down five characteristics that were different from the usual superficial ways of describing these things, then applying these concepts in simple everyday challenges. This activity helps improve creativity and problem-solving skills because it is good training for an individual to see objects, situations, and exp...
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