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Assignment 4. Moral Approaches for I Am Mother Dilemma.

Essay Instructions:

This assignment asks you to consider three responses to this problem.

1) Follow consequentialist moral reasoning introduced in the class lecture to create an argument in favor of saving the five patients.

[Min 100 words, max 150 words – 3 points]

2) Follow categorical moral reasoning, also introduced in the class lecture to create an argument opposing the sacrifice of the 6th patient.

[Min 100 words, max 150 words – 3 points]

3) A third answer – different from the first two – should not be limited by these two approaches and suggest an alternative. Describe a) how your approach is different, b) if it produces a better outcome – and c) what your view of “a better outcome” is.

[Min 250 words, max 300 words – 4 points]


I Am Mother is a 2019 Australian science fiction thriller film. The film follows Daughter, a girl in apost-apocalyptic bunker, being raised by Mother, a robot aiding the repopulation of Earth.In this scene, Mother presents an ethical dilemma to Daughter.“Imagine a doctor has 5 patients, all in need of different organ transplants, but no compatible organs areavailable. Then a 6th patient enters the doctor’s office with a life threatening condition. The new patientis curable, but also an organ match for the 5 other patients. If the doctor delays treatment, the newpatient will die, but his/her organs could be used to save the other five patients. If the doctor treats thenew patient, one life will be saved, but five others will be lost.”What is the doctor’s best course of action?This assignment asks you to consider three responses to this problem.1) Follow consequentialist moral reasoning introduced in the class lecture to create an argument infavor of saving the five patients.[Min 100 words, max 150 words – 3 points]2) Follow categorical moral reasoning, also introduced in the class lecture to create an argumentopposing the sacrifice of the 6th patient.[Min 100 words, max 150 words – 3 points]3) A third answer – different from the first two – should not be limited by these two approaches andsuggest an alternative. Describe a) how your approach is different, b) if it produces a better outcome –and c) what your view of “a better outcome” is.[Min 250 words, max 300 words – 4 points]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Moral Approaches for I Am Mother Dilemma
[date] In the 2019 film, I Am Mother, the dilemma of choosing between the five patients vs. one puts a doctor in an awkward position. In the perspective of consequential moral reasoning, saving more lives is the best result. Having one donor for all five patients would save five lives at once. The outcome of this decision would be the happiness and gratitude of not just five individuals but five families. Unfortunately, one patient may have to lose to their illness to help those five patients in need. In return, that one life would revive back five lives that will flourish on earth. This is not to say that one patient has to be neglected or killed to obtain the organs. To be more respectful, medical workers and the five patients' families should extract permission from the donor patient's family.
Medical health workers have sworn an oath to save the lives of the patients who come to them. Their priority is the safety of people whose lives are in their hands. Categorical moral reasoning would allow the doctor to choose to save one patient despite being a match to five patients despite being in a critical condition. Such reasons would not be valid as the doctor's primary priority is to save the patient they have at hand. Whether the patient survives or not does matter. They will have to do whatever they can to save the patient's life. If the patient does not make it by any chance, that is the only time the other five patients would come into the discussion. Th...
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