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What Is Your Role As A Healthcare Team Member?

Essay Instructions:

create a dialogue with the questions and answers,

Interview a fellow peer in your class who works in a different health discipline than you. Begin your interview with the following questions:

1. What is your role as a health care team member?

2. How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work?

3. Do you consider leaders in your organization stewards of health care? Why or Why not?

4. Is it important to you that leaders exercise professional advocacy and authenticity as well as power and influence when working with colleagues? Why or why not?

In 500- words, summarize your interview and share your impressions of your peer's responses.

1.She is a nurse. she works in infectious disease with a physician, so there is only 2 of them. They sees patients from referral Dr, family doctors

2.she define professionalism: is how you care yourself at work, with patient, with coworker. to be professional help gain trust from patient, especially in healthcare, Sarah has to be responsible creating that trust relationship to help them, if patient not trust us, they are not letting us help them

3.yes, my leader is advocate for staff and patient. The leader wants to make lots of changes so they can deliver the best care that they can. my doctor is a great leader. Sarah is not a leader but lots of nurses come to Sarah for help.

4. yes, it is very important to exercise advocacy and authenticity that you want to accomplish when working with colleagues. not as much power and influence.

Sarah is use to work at the surgical floor where she has to time for her family and kids. the environment is very stressful, shortage of staff. now she is working M-F and can spend time with family.

This is Sarah biography:

Hello! My name is Sarah Gruetzmacher and I live in southeast Wisconsin. I love to learn about new things and have changed my career field several times over the years. I went to school for Arboriculture and landscaped for many years, which is what brought me to Wisconsin. Then I went to school for Interior Design & Architecture and was a kitchen and bath designer for several years before moving into high end new home construction and furniture design. When the market crashed in 2008/9 and I lost my job, I decided I did not want an economy dependent job anymore. I had joined the local volunteer fire department and went to fire school followed by EMT school. This is where I discovered my love for the medical field and when I decided to pursue a nursing career. I have been in the medical field for 11 years, starting with EMT and working in physical therapy in the hospital while I got my ADN. I worked on a med/surg ortho floor for several years until I made a recent switch to Infectious Disease. I love how vast the field of nursing is, and I am excited to see what areas my BSN opens up for me!

In my spare time, I love spending time with my hubby, kiddos, and dog on our farm, and having outdoor adventures camping, hiking, biking, gardening, skiing, and traveling. I absolutely love exploring different parts of the world, and am considering travel nursing once the kiddos are graduated and doing their own thing. I love to learn about new things, and eventually plan to obtain my master's, but my husband is desperate for me to take a break from school, as I obviously love to learn! Some spare time with my family will be much appreciated once I complete my BSN. We are so close!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professional Identity and Stewardship 1
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
What is your role as a healthcare team member?
My role as a healthcare team member is to assist patients in the Infectious Disease department. I work with another physician to take patients from referral Dr, family doctors. I have been working in the medical field for the past 11 years and therefore, has sufficient experience to provide patients with the best quality healthcare. Before switching to Infectious Disease, I was working in the med/surg ortho department. I am happy about the vastness in the medical field and am expecting new opportunities from my BSN.
How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work?
According to me, professionalism is the manner in which an individual care for themselves in the workplace. In my case, it is determined by the way through which I relate with my coworkers and patients. Being a professional play a substantial role because the worker is able to gain trust from the patients. Treating a patient requires a lot of professionalism in order to avoid medical errors which could, in turn, result in the death of the patient or the worsening of their condition. Hence, I have been working my level best to express such professionalism to the patients so that they can allow me to do my job effectively. Patients are reluctant about getting help from nurses and other medical practitioners that do not exercise professionalism. Professionalism is all about following the protocols of the job description to ensure the satisfaction of the patient.
Do you consider leaders in ...
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