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Essay About Right And Wrong Decisions

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that explains the arguments for and against the proposition Ethical=Right, Unethical=Wrong. Include the following in your paper:

A discussion in support of the proposition.

A discussion in opposition to the proposition.

A research-based statement of and rationale for your position.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics vs. Right and Wrong
In the current society, people are faced with numerous ethical dilemmas in all spheres of life. In each of the ethical scenario faced, it is expected that one makes ethical decisions, which are justified using ethical principles. Even though the processes of these ethical theories are different, in most cases, the final stand is the same. However, there are also times in which the used ethical theories reach to very contradicting solutions. It is also notable that while morality and ethics are defined differently, they usually lead to the same types of societies; just societies (Gino, 2016). For instance, ethics is defined a decision making process that helps in determining the wrong and right while morality involves a code of behavior that is based on socially accepted norms to help in making ethical decisions. Considering the two definitions, morality and ethics lead to the same conclusions; differentiating right from wrong. As a result, it is arguable that ethical can be equated to right while unethical can be equated to wrong.
According to Pitak-Arnnop, Dhanuthai, Hemprich and Pausch (2012), the main aim of ethics is to help in making right instead of wrong decisions. As a result, when a person makes decisions that cannot be ethically justified, they would be considered wrong and unethical. This way, wrong and unethical decisions would not be allowed and if possible, they are punished using the relevant measures. Wrong decisions are morally unacceptable/ unethical and thus not allowed. When a person makes unethical decisions, appropriate approaches would be used to avoid making similar mistakes in the future or even for others.
In businesses, there are ethical codes of practice that guide employees in making right or ethical decisions. This is explained using the argument by Sliwa (2017) that ethics is the standard for measuring what is right and what is wrong. If a decision is agreed to by the majority, can become the law or is allowed for other people, it aligns with a person’s values, and aligns with laid down ethical rules and principles, it would be considered ethical and thus right. Ethical decisions are therefore right because they would make people’s interactions and interrelationships in a society possible. Ethical society members live peacefully because they make right choices while unethical decisions would lead to conflicts and thus be wrong.
When faced with ethical dilemmas, the focus is on making right choices and selecting them from the wrong ones. It becomes an ethical dilemma when it involves a number of solutions and in most cases, the solutions are conflicting. However, one has to apply different ethical theories in order to come with the ethical decision that would be considered right. A decision would be right if it can be taken by anyone without being offended (Bazerman & Tenbrunsel, 2011). For instance, if a person asks for a bribe to give a certain client business, the decision might be considered ethical using egoism while using other ethical theories such as utilitarianism, Kantian theory, and value based theory, the decision would be unethical. It is therefore advisable that before reaching the final decision, the decision maker considers different ethical theories to determine whether the decision he goes for is ethically justifiable and thus right.
According to Dolgin (2018), what is ethical is right because the ethical decision making process involves identifying competing ethical values before making the final decision. Since the weighed values might be conflicting, the decision maker should analyze the available options using all available ethical theories. The major ones are ends-based, rule-based, ca...
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