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Progressive School Visit Report Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

The school I visit overall is pretty much the same as the description published on official website. But I observed a few more details that I hope you can added to the essay. First, their classrooms are all connected to each other. There is a back door that I can use to go to other classrooms, which is good for students elaboration work. Second, all grades are mix together, and teachers divided them into group A, B and C. Each group has their daily sechdual so that they can have different classes everyday and it is easier for teachers to take charge of. During writing class, students sit at different tables and teacher wil meet student one on one. Teacher guide students read book and ask questions. Some verbatim question examples would be “What is the main problem in the story? Did all of them have a theme? What connections can you make? What word can you describe for this character? Another thing I want to point is teacher want students to read out loud to her because she want these kids to practice fluency and communication skill. Then, they will have a discussion and teacher ask questions about what they just read. The teacher will set expectations and questions for student to answer during the reading. Third, they use their own laptop, which is school provided for them to use google classroom while they are taking the class. I think the school is very high tech. Fourth, they don’t have a specific textbooks for students to learn, they let students to create their own notebooks but they do have standardized test to test their ability. Overall, this school is students-centered and open mind.


This is the link for their school and you can search whatever you like on the website. Their theory and actual practice are the same.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

School Visit Report
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Institution Affiliation
Some weeks ago, I got a chance to visit UCDS which is one of the most famous and reputed institutions of Seattle. At a glimpse, the building of this school looked great, and when I entered its premises, I found the classrooms to be quite spacious, beautiful, and nicely painted. UCDS is one of those very few institutions where students are provided with affordable education. Learning about new subjects and becoming responsible citizens of tomorrow is what this school’s administrators and teachers believe in. This is why they do everything to help children grow exponentially.
As far as the classrooms are concerned, I could see that they were well connected with one another. A backdoor is present in almost every classroom, which can be used to access relevant classes instantly or within minutes. I found that teachers were not using this backdoor, but students were using it in excess as it helped them reach the lecture room on time and their departure from the same door was also possible when the school bell rang.
These days, schools divide their students into different sections, grades, and classes. For instance, if there are a total of sixty students in a single class (let’s say class five), then these are usually divided into three sections (section A, section B, and section C), each of which consists of twenty students. There are two ideas of dividing students into different grades or sections. The first idea is to separate brilliant, average, and lazy students from each other. The second idea is to divide them into equal numbers irrespective of whether they are brilliant, average or lazy students. However, in this school, I saw that all the grades were mixed and the teachers had formulated different groups. For instance, I could see that a large number of students were sitting in the same hall, but their tables and chairs were separate, and the teachers had divided them into grade A, B, C, D and so on.
At UCDS, every group of students is given different tasks on a daily basis, and the teachers have set their own timetable. For instance, some subjects are taught twice a day, and each group is given worksheets, homework, and other tasks to be accomplished by the deadline. If a student does not submit the assignment or written project, he or she may lose the marks. This concept has been introduced to the students in order to urge them to study properly and to work hard so that they can gain more and more knowledge within the specified time. The core purpose of dividing students into groups is that the teachers can deliver lectures easily, take attendance without any major issue, and can share notes and other study materials with their respective students while sitting at the same place.
Once the lecture has been delivered, students are encouraged to take separate writing classes in which they are to sit at different tables and meet their teachers one by one. As far as I have observed, during a writing clas...
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