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Core Values And Stewardship Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

1. W2dq1 Core Values

Read "Core Principles and Values of Effective Team-Based Health Care," by Mitchell et al., from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies website.



In the assigned article, "Core Principles & Values of Effective Team-Based Health Care," the authors state that "the incorporation of multiple perspectives in health care offers the benefit of diverse knowledge and experience; however, in practice, shared responsibility without high-quality teamwork can be fraught with peril." Describe the perils that the authors say lead to uncoordinated care and unnecessary waste and cost. How do communication and interdisciplinary collaboration prevent adverse events? 1 page, 2 references

2. W2dq2 collaboration and stewardship

Dental hygienist working in a dental office

Consider your current work environment and your role as a member of the health care team. What can you do to encourage collaboration and demonstrate stewardship? 1 page, 2 references

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Core values & Stewardship
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In the article, the author expresses his concerns on how low quality team work in medical practice would have serious and immediate danger to the patients being attended to. Some of the perils that the patients might be exposed to may result to uncoordinated care and also unnecessary waste and cost among many other negative events. Among the numerous dangers facing the patients being attended to by a team of health experts who do not know how to work together include; ‘near misses’ and the avoidable adverse events in the clinical setting (Mitchell & Golden 2012). These perils are usually caused by a number of events for instance; the ‘handoffs’ where a clinician hands over a patient to another clinician without detailed communication on the condition and progresses the patient is making. With this, the patient in question is usually exposed to perils that may subsequently result to unnecessary waste on cost and uncoordinated care (Mitchell & Golden 2012). In addition, a patient being attended to by a team of people with no adequate knowledge of working together may also be faced with danger. It is not surprising that a number of clinicians have opted to work alone other than to work as a team, reporting that team based work is usually prone to medical errors that would later on result to unnecessary waste and cost.
It is common knowledge that easy communication enables a group to work together effectively. In a clinical setting, a team of well communicating clinicians, from various departments, working on a patient will effectively share information concerning the condition of the patient (Birnbach 2008). Everyone will play his or her part to ensure no adverse events occur, hence the pati...
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