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Family Background And Socioeconomic Status

Essay Instructions:

Try to write this essay in a high school international student point.

Age: 19

• Gender: male

• Race: Asian

• Language: Chinese

● Ethnicity: Chinese

• Religion: Atheism

• Socioeconomic status: High school students

• Gender/Sexual orientation: Male

• Exceptionality (mentally/physically disabled or gifted): None

• Geography: From Wuhan to Chicago

• Where did you grow up? Wuhan

• Where did you go to school? Guerin prep high school

• Who was/is in your family? My parents and my two younger brothers

• Who are your friends? kima is my best friends

• What are some of your favorite places?

Wuhan, downtown Chicago, my room

• What was the most important/saddest/happiest moment of your life?

The Happiest Moment I was been choose to became one of the class officers in high school as a Vice President

• In what ways has your culture been taught to you?

Based on my parents and my primary school's teachers.

• What was your first job?

The stock salesman at my father's company

• What’s your native language?


• When did you learn to read/write?

6 years old

• What’s your career goal?

Creat my own finance company company

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Autobiography
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Cultural Autobiography
As life unfolds very second, I cannot help but ask myself whether I am becoming what I was meant to be. Scary as it may seem, it is the only way I find efficient to conduct a self-evaluation and self-assessment to further understand myself. Most importantly, I recognize the significance of my family to everything I am, and what I am becoming. Similarly, my culture as a Chinese plays a critical part in shaping my morals, as well as critical life decisions that will be instrumental in my life. With precision, I can conclude that the key to understanding myself lies in scrutinizing my life, my experiences, and my family influences to this point. Understanding myself and my current position will also be helpful in making future decisions both in school and professionally. This cultural autobiography examines my family background and relations in detail, education status, race and ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, and religion, which helps me deepen my understanding in myself.
Family background and Socioeconomic Status
My family stands out as the most important of all relations that I have. I was born and brought up in Wuhan, China. I am the oldest son in a family of five. My entire family is comprised of my mother and father, and my two younger brothers, and I. At nineteen, I feel the responsibility bestowed upon me to be a leading example and role model for my little brothers. I also feel obliged and obligated to make my parents proud, and hence every effort to outshine myself in everything that I do. I learned these basic attributes from my parents who have always been my role models. Their hard work, efforts, and determination have been conferred not only in me but my siblings. We have maintained a tight family bond that my mother initiated as a family tradition to stay close together. When at home, the family eats together in addition to doing other family activities together.
Additionally, we always spend all the Chinese festivities together. This convenience has been enabled by the freedom and financial capability that my family enjoys. My father is a successful entrepreneur, and he always makes time for us, whenever need be. Apart from actively raising us, my mother is also actively engaged in running the company together with my father. The success of my father’s company is as a result of his never-ending commitment and determination to succeed. I also got to be a stock salesman in the company, albeit for a short time. I guess this is also where I get my drive from. This experience was instrumental in my thinking decision and aspirations to set up my own finance company in the future. My family’s upper-middle-income status has enabled us to live in Wuhan City, which is one of my most favorite places, apart from downtown Chicago. As a family, we occasionally frequent to several of Wuhan’s many lakes and parks as well as other places in China.
Education is one of the most critical steps that, being a Chinese, I have to succeed. My parents have been very particular about the need to succeed in education. Besides, I have to be academically qualified for me to set up my finance company. Learning and education started early in life. Barely six years old, I already know how to read and write, thanks to my parents’ insistence on early schooling. Being a native Chinese, the first language to learn was also the Chinese language. My parents were always present even during my preschool period. So critical is their role that they were the first to teach me the Chinese culture and most of the things I know about the Chinese culture. Subsequently, my primary school t...
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