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Observational Journal: External World

Essay Instructions:

Record your observations and reflection of each picture. Write one page for each picture. The observation journal can focus on the external world or on your internal responses to it.

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Observational Journal Author Name Institution Affiliation Observation Journal#1 In this photo, the very first thing we see is that a young man is standing on the footpath and is holding a mobile phone in his hands. It looks like he is ready to cross the road, but in the meantime, he has kept his eyes on the mobile screen which is not a good thing because he should concentrate on the road so that an accident is avoided. It is a common observation that people keep looking at their smartphones even when they are on the road. I think that these kinds of activities contribute to road accidents, so one has to be careful in this regard. Another thing we can observe in this photo is that cars are moving toward their respective destinations in three to four lanes. This teaches us that no matter what, we should all respect the traffic rules and there is no need to cross the traffic lane as this can cause problems for us and the people around us. Thirdly, the road seems to be very busy, with buildings all around it and people going here and there. This makes us feel that it is a commercial area and that this particular road remains full of vehicles and people all the time. As far as the graphics are concerned, we can see that there are both light and dark colors in this photo. For example, the man standing in the front with a smartphone in his hands can be seen wearing a black suit. There is a woman behind this young man, on the same footpath who can be seen going in the opposite direction but wearing the same black color. The cars going on the road are of white, yellow and black colors. Observation Journal#2 Compared to the first picture, this one is simple and conveys a far better message. We can see that an old man is standing on the side of the road, wearing a dark brown shirt, green cap, and golden yellow pants. There can be two situations here: he is waiting for a taxi to arrive or he wants someone to come forward and help him cross the road. We often see that old people walking on the roads or streets are given tough time...
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