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Ancient Greek at the Met: Architecture

Essay Instructions:

This week you will take a digital field trip to view the Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Located in New York, the Met offers one of the United States' most diverse and largest collections of art in the world. Your visit to the digital archive will help you develop your understanding of ancient Greek architectural forms and provide key details about the contexts that these forms emerged from.

For this assignment you will need to:

  • Read the Lecture for the week (Chapter 2: The Greek World & Chapter 3: Empire)
  • Engage in weekly Discussions to help develop ideas
  • Visit the Met Archive
  • Produce a 500-700 word reflection assignment (see description below)

For your reflection assignment for this week, please select one primary example from the archive and address the following in a two-page reflection assignment:

  • Describe the example you have selected and provide the image in the essay and a link to the image in the reference page.
  • Explain the origins and context of the example.
  • Include examples from the textbook this week that help develop your analysis of the work and its context.
  • Include an example of a work of contemporary architecture with a link to the work and discuss the influence that ancient Greece continues to have on contemporary cultural patterns.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ancient Greek at the Met Student’s name Institutional affiliation May 17, 2019 Ancient Greek at the met Greek art was invented on B.C periods and it has influenced the architectural industry for the last two millennia. Greece architectural order is divided into two principals: Doric and ionic orders. Doric architectural orders were frequent in Greek mainland and other locations where Greek colonies dominated. Ionic order of architecture was popular among Greeks living in Asia and islands in Greek. Architectural orders were governed by the relationship between components of architecture besides the column features possessed by them. This paper will discuss ancient Greek architecture’s context and origin basing on visit to the ancient Greece architectural gallery. Marble Akroterion of the grave monument of Timotheos and Nikon is among ancient classical architectures in Greek (Heilbrunn. 2019). The structure is classified as a stone sculpture with a dimension of 87.6 x 53.3cm. It is decorated in relief of palmate where spirals rise like tendrils from acanthus leaves and a flower with a painted stem at the front. Akroterion of the grave monument of Timotheos and Nikon was created in Greece. Akroterion was meant to be erected on the grave to honor Timetheos and his son Nikon because they came from the same political district named Kephale. Greek believed that spirits of death left the dead as a tiny puff of wind. Therefore, Lamentation of the dead was highlighted in various arts in Greece including the funeral mask and painted flask which was decorated with scenes of deceased surrounded by mourners. According to the history, Akroterion was one of the marble monuments that only belonged to a particular family and it was placed along the age of terrace rather than over the grave. In addition, mask of agamenmon was another ornament used during funerals. It was discovered by Schliemann who believed that it was the face of King Agamenmon. This is because it was used to cover faces of dead members of royal families (Henry, M). During that period Agamenmon reigned Greece and Schlimen was very sure that the mask belonged to Agamenmon. Contrary, researchers date indicate that the mas was created three hundred years before the death of king Agamenmon. There are possibilities of modification of the funeral mask because the ears and mustache did not match the rest part of the mask. Besides, researchers claimed that the mask’s ...
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