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C1 Story: Plot Summary Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

I will upload the analysis instructions and the rubrics, and PLEASE FOLLOW the instructions.

You just need to follow the instructions and rubrics, analysis this short Wuxia story for max 2 pages double space.

I use the yellow color to highlight the info which you may need. For providing context, please use the Martial Arts Genre Elements in the PDF instructions.

If you can't be sure, please don't cited any sources.

Message me, if you have any questions.

file named J 1 and C 2 should be two independent story analysis, each one is 2 pages, and the totally should be 4 pages.


1 Instructions For Chinese 343, the final project will be a creative writing assignment consisting of a short story or scene and written analyses of two classmates’ scenes. For the short story or scene, please choose one of the prompts below as a starting point and compose a short, fictional scene that depicts a selection of Chinese martial arts genre conventions. Your scene must be at least 3 double-spaced pages in length and must include at least 8 martial arts genre elements chosen from the on the following page. Your scene must be posted to Canvas Discussions as a WORD or PDF document by class time on Wednesday, 5-8. For the analysis of each groupmate’s scene, please use academic writing conventions to compose a double-spaced 1-2 page report identifying and providing context for as many of the listed wuxia genre conventions as you can recognize. When and where is the setting? Who are the heroes and villains? What existing works from the genre rely on similar conventions? If you refer to other books or films, be sure to list them in a works cited section at the end of the analysis. Each analysis must be posted to Canvas Discussions as a separate WORD or PDF document by 2:00 pm on Wednesday, 5-15. Prompts 1. Many of the materials from this semester have ended tragically (Hero, The Eleventh Son, The Book & The Sword, House of Flying Daggers, Fearless). Others feature the hero walking (or driving or flying) off into the sunset. Rewrite the ending to one of the wuxia stories from this semester. 2. Insert yourself into a scene from one of the materials that we encountered this semester. What type of character are you? Assign yourself a number of skills are put them to use for good, evil or comic relief. 3. Be creative. Anything goes as long as you use eight of the wuxia conventions listed on the next page. Grading Scale (total of 100 points) Short Story or Scene (50 points total with the following breakdown): Wuxia Content – 16, Style & Voice – 12, Writing Conventions – 12, Completion – 8 Two Analyses (25 points each with 5 points each for the following): Content ID, Content Analysis, Organization, Writing Conventions, Completion: *Each category will be evaluated based on a rubric. Chinese 343 Final Project 2 Martial Arts Genre Elements Please select and incorporate at least eight of the following elements into your martial arts story. • Behavior in accordance with or reference to ancient Chinese philosophical traditions. o Confucian social hierarchy -or- behavior of the benevolent gentleman o Daoist “action through non-action” (wuwei) o Mohist universal love o Sun Tzu strategic approach to battle o Buddhist pursuit of enlightenment • Behavior in accordance with or against the Xia Moral Code o Altruism, justice, individualism, loyalty, courage, truthfulness, contempt for wealth, honor & fame. o • Cultivation or development of personal skill, character, physical or spiritual prowess o Daoist consumption of alchemical formulas -or- internal qi cultivation exercises o Buddhist spiritual awakening through meditative practices o Confucian cultivation of personal righteousness through proper action • Existence of the wanderer’s realm known as “the rivers and lakes” (jianghu) o Factions, secret societies, bandit gangs, martial brotherhoods, protection agencies, reclusive hermits or monks, religious cults, … • Semi-magical skills that defy normal human abilities o Lightness kungu (qinggong) o Paralysis, injury or healing by attacking the meridians o Extremely dexterous manipulation of small projectiles • Wuxia depiction of special weapons o Legendary weapons from a historical or divine source o Hidden secret weapons that are saved to get out of a jam • Typical martial genre character archetypes o Wise old master with skills that improve with age o Wanderer who marches to the beat of his/her own drummer o Dirty monks who break their vows of vegetarianism and celibacy o Woman forced to hide gender to participate in Martial Brotherhood (wulin) • Feminist or sexist depiction or treatment of female characters (careful, please…) • A typical martial genre villain o Corrupt officials, rival martial arts factions, invading foreigners (Mongols, Manchus, Westerners, Japanese), martial brothers gone rogue, supernatural beings, bandits • Love: A forbidden romance that flourishes, but remains celibate -or- a love triangle • Sacrifice of life or limb to protect a friend, the innocent, or an important objective • Setting at a specific time during China’s long history or inclusion of historic figures. • Tracing of martial skills to a specific lineage. • Reciprocity in the form of revenge, paying back favors, or poetic justice.


The analysis of each groupmates story will be graded based on the following criteria on a scale of 0-5 for each category:Score MARTIAL GENRE CONTENT ID MARTIAL GENRE CONTENT ANALYSIS ORGANIZATION WRITING  CONVENTIONS COMPLETION5 Has a clear beginning, middle & ending. Ideas <5t details are presented in logical order with smooth transitioning. Very few if any grammar or spelling errors. Complex sentence structure and sophisticated vocabulary consistently used. 4 (1) Point Per Element  Analysis correctly identifies (1) Point Per Element  Analysis successfully relates each identif ied element to the historical, philosophical, or cultural conventions and./or previous works of the martial arts fiction genre. Ideas and details are mostly presented in logical order but some transitions are unclear. Frequent grammar or spelling errors that somewhat affect coherence. Complex sentence structure and sophisticated vocabulary is lacking in most places. Assignment is completed on time, is submitted correctly3 at least five of the martial arts genre employed in the story. Somewhat organized, but transitions between ideas are unclear. Sometimes main idea and details seem disconnected. Has a clear beginning, middle A ending. Ideas & details are presented in logical order with smooth transitioning.  All sections follow a clear thesis statement. to D2L, properly credits and cites sources, and meets length requirements.2 Little organization. Info does not connect to the main idea. Conclusion missing or does not connect to the main idea. Grammar or spelling errors make writing unreadable. Only very basic sentence structure <& vocabulary used. 0 Not completed. Not completed. Not completed. Not completed. Not completed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Chinese-343- Final Project
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C1 Story: Plot Summary
In this story, a young girl named Qing Mei took revenge of her father’s death from her own mother by using the tactics of traditional martial arts and made peace with her past. She is not as naïve as her mother left her and thus uses the skills she has gained all those years when practicing martial arts to kill her mother.
In this story, the entire scene is conducted over the mountains and woods. A girl named Qing Mei is the main character while the supportive role is played by Grandma Lu. This story has a theme of revenge, patience and passion that a young girl has. Even though she is left by her mother (her father’s killer) at a young age, she is determined to have all it takes to make peace for her father’s soul by killing his murderer. The entire story is shot while the young girl and her grandma are hiking over the mountains and are coming back to their places. The main character, Qing Mei, a twenty year old girl with fine knowledge and practice of martial art takes revenge of her father’s death from her mother who was chasing her on her way back from the mountains where she was hiking. The mother follows Mei to her place. Qing Mei chops both legs of her mother and instead of killing her, she lets her suffer and die alone in the mountains. Mei is angered by the fact that her mother killed her father to remarry and still haunts her. She feels that her mother betrayed her family.
Heroes and Villains
In this story, Qing Mei is the typical heroin of the context. She is a kind young girl who is very passionate about the fine Chinese traditional martial arts and is also very fond of her grandma Lu. She has dedicated her 12 years in the temple to learn martial arts. She knows that her mother, Hou, is also an expert in martial arts and as a result, she has to be better than her. With her martial art skills and dedication to complete her mission (avenge her father’s death), she has to be smart to play the role of the heroine successfully. On the other hand, Hou was the mother of Qing Mei and plays the role of a villain. She is guilty of killing her husband for the sake of money and fortune and also leaves little Qing Mei in the streets to die as a helpless child. Luckily, grandma Lu picks Qing Mei up and raises her. However, upon realizing that she is alive, Hou is not ready to leave Qing Mei alone and this is the reason she haunts her all her life.
Similarity of Conventions
Just as J1’s story on Zhang, the story by C1 presents the theme of heroism and dedication/ passion. While Qing Mei was left naïve and helpless, she cannot continue in the same state and this is the reason she goes for martial arts class against her grandmother’s wishes. It is through her extreme passion that she accomplishes her mission since she has to outweigh her mother who is also skilled in martial arts. Just as Zhang is dedicated to avenging the death of his mother by killing his brother, Qing Mei is dedicated to kill her mother and thus avenge the death of her f...
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