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United States Immigration Law and Policy

Essay Instructions:

Answer ONLY TWO questions. Your answers together must be no less than 1100 words and no more than 2000 words. Each answer will count for 50% of the grade for the exam.

Imagine that you have been invited to advise a special committee of Congress that will make proposals for a comprehensive reform of U.S. immigration law and policy. You have been asked to identify three major issues on which you believe the committee should focus its attention. What three issues would you recommend and why? For each issue state and defend your preferred policy solution. Make the best argument you can for opposing views and state why you disagree. Refer to material covered in the class readings and lectures as appropriate.

Raoul would like to come to the United States. His home country has recently experienced a massive earthquake that has left much of his home town in ruins and devastated the economy of his country. He has a sister who runs a computer repair shop in Brooklyn which would like to hire an additional employee. Raoul has recently graduated college with a B.A. in political science but is having difficulty in finding work. He is thinking about applying to law school in the United States. Raoul has come to you for information about how he might lawfully enter the United States. What advice would you give him? In describing the various possible categories for Raoul’s admission to the U.S., please state whether he would be entering as a non-immigrant (for a temporary stay in the U.S.) or as an immigrant (that is, receiving a “green card”).

Emma Lazarus’ famous poem, The New Colossus, includes these well known lines, which are inscribed on a plaque on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty:

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

To what extent do these lines describe American immigration history? Are they an accurate description of the current U.S. immigration system? Refer to material covered in the class readings and lectures as appropriate.

One of the assignments for the class was Rubén Rumbaut’s interview on the Tempest Tossed podcast in which he discussed “zombie ideas” about U.S. immigration--that is, in his words, false beliefs that will not die. Please refer to one of the “zombie ideas” that Rumbaut identified that, prior to taking the class, you believed to be true but now no longer believe to be true. What is your current view and what data, arguments, and discussion from the course helped change your view?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
United States Immigration Law and Policy Student’s Name University Affiliation Question One One of the major reforms necessary in the U.S. immigration law and policy is in regard to the primary legal basis for immigration. There is a need to amend the U.S. Immigration Act of 1965 which makes family reunification as primary basis for immigration and replace it with merit as the primary basis for immigration; where one immigrates to U.S. mainly on merit. For a very long time, family reunification has been the overriding basis for U.S. immigration policy which allows foreign born U.S citizen (s) to bring over their spouse, parents, children and siblings purposely for reuniting with them. But the Congress might have overlooked the benefits of merit over family-based immigration policy as well as the dangers posed by the latter. Except for the adult children and siblings whose stay in America are subject to annual limit, the foreigners brought over by foreign born American citizen (s) are prone to finding their way U.S. citizenship legally but illegitimately through ways such as marriage or naturalization. Some may even give birth while in U.S. thereby entitling the newborn babies U.S. citizenship. All these pose serious threats to the economy and security of the United States. The Congress might have not overseen this then but now they have not only seen but experienced it. There is therefore a need for a shift from family reunification to merit-based immigration policy and time is now. This should form part of the Congress’ special committee proposals for a comprehensive reform of U.S. immigration law and policy. The opposing views to the shift from family reunification to merit-based immigration policy may be premised on the values upon which the United States is founded. For instance, an argument may be fronted that family is the natural and fundamental unit of society that should enjoy recognition and protection of the state and therefore by prioritizing on family reunification as an overriding basis, United States is merely executing its moral and legal obligation. This argument is of course untenable since the values of a country are not cast on stone. They grow and reshape as the country develops and as time and circumstances change. These call for adjustment in the society such as replacing family reunification with family merit-based immigration policy. Every country is alive to these logics and realities and America with all its greatness cannot be an exception. The values that informed U.S. immigration policy decision may not have changed but has surely seen tremendously developments. There may have been a need to make family reunification the overriding basis for U.S immigration policy in 1965 and subsequent years but such needs may have been overtaken by events and development of the values informed by security and economic reasons. Furthermore, legislations are enacted in response to issues and to address the needs of a country and its citizens at one given time. It therefore beats logic to argue that whatever informed the idea of the Congress to pass this piece of legislation and the executive to formulate the ensuing policy is no longer existing or applicable. Another necessary reform is sealing of the current loopholes in the U.S. immigration policy to prevent and minimize illegal and illegitimate immigrants. There is need seal these loopholes that are responsible for the growing number of people improperly in the United States. The policy should be reviewed to curb, discourage, minimize and punish the cases of immigrants who violate the terms and conditions of their initial visas either legally or illegally. As stated earlier, people immigrate to United States for various reasons and therefore find their ways to U.S. either through educational, temporary tourist, employment visas or as refugee etc. Consequently, they legally violate the terms of their initial visas either through marrying, finding a new job or enrolling in university. They may also illegally violate the visa terms by failing to leave after the expiry of their visas ...
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