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Spanish Project: The migrants

Essay Instructions:

Two pages, double-spaced, word-processed, Times New Roman, 12 pt, name & class period.

2) You must refer to specific examples, anecdotes or stories from AT LEAST TWO of the movies in your paper. If you don’t remember them, you must review them on your own.

3) When defending your position, you must do so in a respectful manner. Remember: there is no single right or wrong answer to this question. It is a matter of opinion, and you are being asked to state your personal position on the topic.

4) You must give your own ideas to write this paper, using your own words. You are strongly advised to consult the Iona Prep Student Handbook regarding the policies on academic integrity. Plagiarism WILL result in a zero for this project, without the opportunity for any form of make-up! This paper is worth 10% of your fourth quarter grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Spanish Project Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Spanish Project The migrants move to the US to seek better future for themselves and their families than they would be able to achieve while in their home countries. In A Better Life, Carlos, a single father scrapes together money as a helper to a gardener with steady clients in order to provide for his son. In as much as there is uniformity in the depiction of the immigrants who cross the Mexico border, there is a clear intentional ignorance in the actual depiction of migrants. Instead, immigrants coming to the united states are viewed as an infestation. Migrants should be allowed to seek better life in the US because of humanity and the weight of positive effects both Mexicans and other immigrants bring, they should be allowed to seek better life in the US. Most immigrants face a much challenging set of decisions than what is presented of them. They are neither sent by their home countries nor do they seek to enter the US just for the thrill of it. With reference to Under the Same Moon documentary, a nine-year-old Carlos is one among the countless kids whose parents leave them behind and come to the US seeking for greener pastures for their families. Rosario, Carlo’s mother works for 4 years in Los Angeles and sends $300 home every month to both her son and mother in an effort to better their life (Riggen, 2007). This improves their living standards and thus reduce the poverty level. Successful integration of immigrants comes along with vital economic growth and also a vibrant-ever-changing culture. Immigrants work, pay taxes, and fill jobs that would otherwise remain vacant. As portrayed in A Better Life Carlos, an undocumented Mexican immigrant works as a gardener tending the lawns of rich Los Angeles residents. He also buys a truck and starts a lawn service with ...
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