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Collaboration and Communication Challenges in Organization

Essay Instructions:

Choose two issues or challenges that the leaders of today's health care organizations face. Select from among the following topics:

1. Staff Shortage (Physicians, Nurses, Allied Health Providers, Ancillary Services)

2. Reorganization in Response to Merger or Consolidation of Services

3. Layoffs as a Result of Declining Revenues

4. Influx of Registry, Part-Time, and Temporary Contract Staff

5. Poor Performance Outcomes Leading to a Reduction in Medicare Reimbursement Dollars

6. Poor Job Satisfaction Rates Resulting in Turnover

You are the manager of an ancillary service department at a large, 500+ bed hospital. Develop a proposal (750 word) that is directed toward your staff, in which you address the following:

1. Inform the staff of the two issues (from the topics provided) your organization is facing.

2. Describe the impact of these issues on your department.

3. Describe how improved communication, collaboration, and teamwork can improve conditions in your department.

4. Identify at least two examples from the required or recommended readings of techniques found to foster inclusion and improve communication and collaboration.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Collaboration and Communication
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Institutional Affiliation

Collaboration and Communication
1. Introduction
The involvement of patients, their families, and a very professional health care staff in a health organization is necessary for providing great care. If their participation is in a harmonized and collaborated way, then it is very beneficial for achieving the common goal that is the best care, otherwise, it is not. This ideal situation is not presented in our hospital as this hospital consists of 500+ beds that are not sufficient to treat a large number of patients at a time. Also, all the stakeholders in the practice of collaboration between the different departments of the hospital face two major barriers come in the way to achieve exceptional health care. Thus, it is important to understand the barriers that badly affect the health services and to overcome these issues that our leaders face through some best techniques to get interconnected and collaborated environment where this hospital will have the high-quality services with the qualified staff and improved financial conditions.
2. Challenges in Organization
With the positive side of our health care organization by providing the health care facilities for the patients, there comes a negative one too. There are numerous challenges or issues faced by the hospital in its different working areas discussed below:
2.1 Staff Shortage
The staff of health care organization is primarily responsible to protect the patients and to improve their health by giving necessary health services. This category includes Physicians, Nurses, Allied Health Providers, and Ancillary Services that work as health service providers, health managers and support workers who are responsible to accomplish a health care task. When the necessary staff shortage occurs, it creates many difficulties in delivering the services. Same is the case with our hospital that it faces a lot of staff shortage. The unavailability of health professionals, when needed due to their negligence or extreme workload, is known as staff shortage (Roncarolo, Boivin, Denis, Hébert & Lehoux, 2017). Therefore, this hospital suffers a lot even if someone requires X-ray, lab test or an ultrasound report, as there are less number of doctors, nurses and support workers as well.
2.2 Reduced Medicare Reimbursement Dollars
Health care organizations have the system for poor patients to deliver appropriate services in the time of need with fewer expenses by protecting their money is known as medical reimbursement. Today our health care organization is facing the challenge of Reduced Medicare Reimbursement Dollars which initiates with the less funding and poor planning of the leaders and thus it becomes the cause of inappropriate delivery of health services. This challenge includes the poor financial conditions of the hospital, increased costs of the services and lack of financial independence due to the fewer funds in our organization’s account (Roncarolo, Boivin, Denis, Hébert & Lehoux, 2017). It shows that the Poor Performance Outcomes of this hospital become the reason for Reduced Medicare Reimbursement Dollars, due to which our hospital does not compensate with the expenses of the patients.
This challenge is also linked with the disparity of race and ethnicity of the patients due to which patients of different races are treated accordingly. Therefore, our hospital is lacking in their business due to the Reduced Reimbursement Dollars. Diminishing racial and ethnic differences in health care organizations is the best activity for patients, and, from a business point of view, medical institutions put themselves in danger when they don't get ready f...
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