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* Betty Friedan

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Betty Friedan:women’s rights

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Betty Friedan Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Betty Friedan Betty Friedan launched modern feminism, which was one of the most influential movement in the 20th century. Arguably, the influence of the feminist was successful and pervasive. During the 1960s, women wanted to define their identities and roles, thus instigating the rise of feminism. Through the help of other stakeholders such as Betty Friedan, the Women’s Liberation Movement was established with the intent of preventing the rise of different forms of segregation. During her quest for equality, Betty averred that women should understand their worth and the significance of making a positive contribution to society. Accordingly, Friedman co-founded the National Organization for Women (NOW) with the intent of bringing women into the mainstream of equal partnership with men and in American society. Epstein (2017) posits that Betty Friedan was one of the prominent icons of the women rights movement because of her significant role in advocating for the recognition of women’s position in society. For example, Betty composed different publications on gender stereotypes, thus making her one of the forces for change. Additionally, she composed “The Feminine Mystique” publication to enlighten women on finding fulfillment outside the traditionally assigned roles. Friedan co-founded the National Organization for Women (NOW) and served as the first president to advance women rights (Epstein, 2017). Besides, she fought for abortion rights as one of the ways of empowering women. Notably, Betty was dedicated to ensuring that women took part in politics by helping them make the relevant decisions. Friedan published “The Second Stage” as a strategy to help women overcome the challenges of burdening chores at home and in the public realm. Friedan protested in different ways to establish numerous opportunities for women empowerment. Epstein (2017) contends that Friedman utilized feminist campaigns as an effective way of advocating for the re...
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