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Procrastination Final Report. Literature & Language Essay

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My topic is Procrastination.

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Procrastination is simply the act of choosing to do something later than completing the set task at that moment. It can either be habitual or intentional, and the consequences of this action are often negative. Many factors can lead to procrastination depending on the nature of the task.
The goal is to eliminate this behavior of failing to complete a certain task because of delaying. Procrastinating eventually becomes addictive because a person develops the habit of doing everything at the last minute. The consequences of such behaviors are unpleasant, and most of the time, one fails to achieve the desired goal. Elimination of this routine is paramount when one wants to succeed.
My motivation for this change is to improve my productivity and to avoid dealing with the negative outcomes. Procrastination hinders productivity because it encourages laziness. It is most common when a person has a lot of time to complete their work. Working within the set deadline is highly recommended because one has a clear mind when dealing with the work, whether challenging or easy.
Dealing with the negative outcomes is more time consuming and exhausting than working and finishing the set task within the set time. The last-minute rush can cost one a lot; it led to my grades deteriorating in school. At first, my grades were perfect, but when I kept on procrastinating, they deteriorated. It came with a lot of pressure because I was expected to have the best performance from those who taught my family and me, especially my parents.
When the project started, I was flummoxed and depressed because of the pressure that I was experiencing. It was physically and mentally exhausting because I had many things to do within a short period of time. I had to figure out a way that would allow me to catch up with my studies simultaneously, time for me to come up with an actual plan before everything took a turn for the worst.
There are five stages of change perspective, which include the denial stage, which is the precontemplation stage, the contemplation stage where one starts to think about changing, preparing to take action, and maintaining the behavior. When the project began, I was in the first stage. I was contemplating how to start the process and what course of action I would take to change. It was hard because it was a habit formed, and it is something I did every day or rather every time I had work to do. The main cause of this behavior was mainly laziness (behavior). The environment that I was in at that moment was another contributing factor to procrastination.
Procrastination is often associated with guilt, a person having low self-esteem, and depre...
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