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Literature & Language
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RR12. 1985 book "Amusing Ourselves to Death". Literature & Language

Essay Instructions:

Only one final question.  Please try to draw upon class concepts, key variables we've discussed, and past readings in producing your response:

class concepts relate to this discussion:

-Perpetual contact: which means mobile phones connect people from different places, people are able to socialize with people from various places worldwide. (Perceived sincerity: people’s relationship might be closer)

-Pseudo-community :which blends personal and public information.Sincerity has been established as a crucial ingredient for the establishment of a pseudo community for two chief purposes: gaining audiences trust and luring huge crowds as audiences.People in the contemporary era have become much fascinated by the vast social media following, which is a typical example of a pseudo society whose existence thrives on temporary things and interests. (Beniger, 1987). 

-Public performance:to create a personal image, or say “social media personality” online. The private psychological self becomes a public performance/ Self is externalized and objectified through visual means of representation and language


(1)  In his 1985 book "Amusing Ourselves to Death", Postman suggests that entertainment culture - as epitomized and spurred by the television - may lead to the ruin of public discourse.  How might his basic argument apply to today's environment of social and emerging media (rather than television)?

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Postman's argument on the possibility of entertainment culture ruining public discourse is happening in the current world. The social and emerging media present people with a platform where they can express their preferences in terms of entertainment. Some of the content posted has played a huge role in destroying public discourse.
One of the entertainments that are causing a negative influence on people is secular music. Some of the music currently being produced using obscene language, and this might motivate teenagers into doing the things described in the songs. Such might lead to them being raped or influenced into taking drugs. Social media users tend to describe drug use as something fancy. Such is due to the influence that they get from other drug users on social media.
Social media mi...
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