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Discussion: Pangloss's character

Essay Instructions:

POST WRITTEN REPLIES to the Discussion Board in response to the following questions:

1) In Candide Voltaire satirizes a variety of outlooks on the pursuit of happiness (Pangloss, Jacques, the sailor, the old woman, the inhabitants of Eldorado, the Venetian nobleman, Martin -- and many others). Whose outlook ultimately “wins out” in this story? Does Voltaire seem to advocate any particular philosophy with regard to life/happiness?

2) Explain the last line of the book, where Candide concludes that “we must cultivate our garden.” What does that mean? In what way does that phrase encapsulate a whole philosophy/outlook on life?

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Discussion Voltaire
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Discussion Voltaire
Question One
               Of the many characters in Candide, Pangloss's character wins out on the outlook on the pursuit of happiness. Pangloss symbolizes optimism throughout the book, and it is his optimism that helps him survive through and despite his misfortunes. He seems to believe that whatever place he is residing at is "the best of all possible worlds" even though there are other better places and situations out there. At some point, Pangloss ceases to believe his own words, but even then, he refuses to acknowledge that the world is evil. This outlook allows him to be hopeful of the future. Even in the end, Pangloss maintains his optimism when he tells Candide that "…had you not been expelled from a beautiful castle…, you would not be sitting here now eating candied citron and pistachios" (131). His outlook on the pursuit of happiness accounts not only for the end result but also for how the end result was achieved.
Voltaire seems to advocate the importance of hard work and keeping busy as a means of achieving happiness. He seems to opine that happiness can only be achieved when there is a purpose. Even though throughout the book, he seems to indicate that happiness is impossible, he gives Candide and his companions a happy ending in the name of a garden. This garden represents the purpose of the characters who find satisfaction living in their neighborhood, cultivating their small garden. In the absence of this purpose, Candide and his companions are drowning in boredom. Voltaire's philosophy, in this case, is that purpose ...
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