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Founders of the USA

Essay Instructions:
i\'ll attach the details.. There shall be a 5 page Paper worth 200 points due on December 5. You shall write a 5 page paper on a founder of the USA and analyze what their perspective would be on a contemporary issue.
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Founders of the USA
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The United States of America is a federal republic consisting of fifty states and one federal district. It is mostly located in central North America with Washington D.C as its capital city. Having three hundred and twelve (312) million people and covering a 9.83 million per square kilometers, the United States of America remains the third largest country in both population size and land area. It has the largest economy nationwide with its GDP estimated to be $15.065 trillion in 2011. The culture is widely practiced through out the nations due to its multicultural nation’s diversity.
There is no one theory related to when exactly and by who the United States of America was founded. There are different views from different scholars as to who discovered and named the United States of America. Here, we are going to discuss the different views of the scholars as regards to the founding fathers of the United States of America.
Leif Ericson
He is known to have discovered Vinland now known as England. It is believed that he discovered the New World in 1000 AD. It was during his visits that he landed on a new land which he later named Greenland. Later, during his expedition, he sailed to the southeast for two days before he landed on an island which had a mainland. He decided to build some temporary shelter for him and the other voyages. The land was very rich in salmons, pastures, and forests. He later sent out some of his team mates to further explore the land but one of the expeditors didn’t return raising alarm to Leif. They later found him in a land covered with grapes and that was when Leif named the land Vinland which means a land of pasture or wine. He was therefore known to have discovered the Vinland (England). He and a few others were later killed leaving his discovery in the dark.
Christopher Columbus
The United States of America was discovered by an Italian man by the name of Christopher Columbus in 1492 after he was sponsored by Ferdinand V who was the king of Castile for his expedition. Between 1492 and 1504, he made four voyages all the way from Spain to the New world.
His first voyage was on 3rd August 1492 where he sailed from Palos, Spain which was accompanied by several men. He landed on the 12th of October and found an island in the Bahamas and named it San Salvador. He also named Cuba as Juana now known as Hispaniola. On his second voyage, which was on 27th November 1493, he founded Jamaica which was a apart of the Asian mainland. On his third voyage, Columbus discovered South America
John and Sebastian Cabot
John was the father t Sebastian and both are connected to the Americas history. They had sailed from Bristol in May 1497 where they discovered the Chinese coast. John later died on his second sailing which was on 1498 leaving the son to explore the world alone. He sailed southwest of Bristol where he discovered ashore and named it Labrador (North shore of the newfoundland). He continued with his sailing and at the north of Bristol, he discovered a large island which he named New Found Land. It was during their voyage that they discovered the North America as a continent.
Americus Vespucius
Being Medici’s family commercial agent, he gained the interest to explore and gain insight about the new discoveries concerning America. He began sailing in 1499 from Spain as an adventure. In 1501, sailed to America during his second voyage with the king of Portugal and explored the coast of Brazil. In 1503, he discovered the Bay of all saints, which was off the Brazilian coast. Nothing much has been ...
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