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Should Cities Offer Free Public Wi-Fi?

Essay Instructions:

Persuasive Paper

5 pages (~1250 words), plus title page, Abstract, and Works Cited page

Your final major assignment is a persuasive paper. In contrast to the previous paper, your task is to persuade your audience that your claim is true. In this assignment, your thesis must be debatable. It should be conceivable that someone could disagree with it. Throughout your paper, you will be using information from outside sources to support your argument.

In this paper, you will be evaluated based not only on your organizational and mechanical skills, but also on your ability to incorporate the elements of argument and the success with which you use various appeals. As you work on your paper, consider writing out your claims and support and identifying the assumptions that link them to make sure that they are sound.

Topic: Should cities offer free public Wi-Fi?

References: Please use the attached references and article for sources.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Should Cities Offer Free Public Wi-Fi?
Course Title:
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Evidence from different sources show that the benefits of providing Wi-Fi services outweigh the cost of installation
Both low and high income earners have an opportunity to access the internet.
Both the government and the private sector need to make Wi-Fi a free service.
Free Wi-Fi promotes public information and communication infrastructure which is essential for economic growth and development.
Works Cited
Should Cities Offer Free Public Wi-Fi?
Wi-fi is a wireless network using radio waves. When electronic devices like computers, mobile phones and television are Wi-Fi enabled, they can automatically or directly connect to the internet when within the rage of a hotspot and enable people to access services online (Tanner, 2006). The claim, whether cities should have free public Wi-Fi, is a hot topic and has raised a continuous debate between governments, cities, municipal councils and private investors. Private investors providing the services of broadband and internet as a business have been a stumbling block to the establishment of free public Wi-Fi. This is because they feel that they will be overpowered and taken out business. This paper discusses factors to be considered in determining whether cities should offer free public Wi-Fi (Serwer. 2005).
For instance, when the municipal council of Philadelphian city launched a plan of supplying free Wi-Fi network, the city private investors in network providers like Telco worked against the plan arguing that it was wrong for the government to compete with them. Moreover, they said that the project will not succeed thus it will be a waste of taxpayers money (Serwer. 2005). Telco’s went as far as lobbing for legislation banning the municipal from setting up free public Wi-Fi. Looking at the above constraints facing public Wi-Fi, we are left to ask the question “should councils provide free public Wi-Fi?” And is it justifiable for the council to invest in providing the service with the current economic mayhem? Evidence from many sources show that the benefits associated with the provision of such service outweigh the costs of installing and maintaining it (Serwer. 2005).
It can provide the less privileged especially the low income earners with an opportunity of free internet access that they could not have afforded. Further it will help the tourists save money which they could have used roaming around the city by driving the shoppers to particular city centre regions. Free public Wi-Fi will provide a great way for the cities to market themselves by attracting businesses and investors (Serwer. 2005). Setting up of free public Wi-Fi is possible, although several critics argue that it is impossible to plan, implement and maintain free public Wi-Fi. Media reports provide that University campuses have been giving free broadband network services to students for many years. Residential property developers have also made the property broadband enabled and some offer free Wi-Fi services to attract customers to rent or buy the property (Lake, 2005).
Hon Kong Resorts, the developer of the Discovery Bay Residential Village in Hang King Lantalu Island, provides free Wi-Fi in the public plaza, on the beach, and its ferry peers. More reports say that it will finally extend its coverage to the actual ferries that surround honking island. In fact, for Hong Kong residents, Wi-Fi is a facility to use. However, it is ironical that Hong Kong residential property developers give the services at the expense of PCCW which is responsible of supplying commercial Wi-Fi services across Hong Kong. It is evident that if such small corporations and private investors can provide free Wi-Fi, then it is possible for the government, through the municipal councils of the cities to join hands with them and make Wi-Fi services free in all cities across the world (Wilson & Brian, 2011).
Major cities of San Francisco and Philadelphia are about to set up public hotspots. Some smaller cities such as Chaska and mainland Tempe have already set the networks and have been wired. Therefore, the opposition from major private Wi-Fi network providers is being overpowered. Philadelphia city struck a deal with EarthLink, an ISP, to build a Wi-Fi network to cover 135 squire miles of the city (Lake, 2005). The cost of the network was approximated to be $10 million and it was expected to be completed in 2006. Moreover, and offer free WI-Fi- services to the public places such as parks at a monthly charge of $10 for low income earners. Those plans were criticized and opposed by Comcast and Verizon for they thought that ...
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