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Responding To a Reading: Giving Up a Baby

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Responding To a Reading: Giving Up a Baby
This assignment is a response to the reading “Giving Up A Baby” which is about a young lady who was 17 years and she got pregnant. She made u decision of giving up the child for adoption soon the baby boy was born. The assignment is meant to analyze if she made the correct decision to give up her child for adoption. According to her she did the correct decision at that point despite of the opinion of others who were there who thought the decision was selfish. The young lady arrived to the decision of handing over her child for adoption after taking into considerations that she would not be able to bring the child and meet her obligations in life. In the analysis of this writing I will discuss for and against the reason which the lady used to make her decision.
I do support and respect the personal decision which the lady did as it was to her conviction. Besides having a baby when she was young both herself and the baby who was adopted will leave a much better life based on if the arguments and reasons given by the lady would have turned up to be positive. She would have secretly aborted the child and do away with the stigmatization, criticism which comes by her decision by being told that she was crazy and selfish also being in pain about her decision but she did a bold decision of giving the boy a chance to live.
However, some of the reasons why she decided to give up the baby were not convincing to me and I likewise have opinion that she was selfish as all most the reasons were for her benefit rather than the benefit of the child. Being young and unmarried would have been a real challenge to raise the baby because she was not psychologically prepared to take care of her baby. Also she did not have financial support for herself and the child as she is still dependent to her parents who are not well off financially.
I am not for the idea to support sacrificing her child to be adopted so that she would have freedom of staying out late, going to parties and being irresponsible and carefree life. This reason is selfish as she is only concerned about her own welfare which it’s not adding value to her in terms of intelligence or self worth. If her reason were being more focused in life like pursing her studies to better her livelihood and those of her parents I would be supporting such a reason.
Although she is assured of the freedom she needs in life she has as well curtailed the freedom of the child she donated to strangers. Bec...
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