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Everyday Use by Alice Walker

Essay Instructions:
If WWI is seen as the sort of “kick off” of the Modernist period, many view World War 2 as the start of the Post-Modern Era. Baym, et. al. indicates that while the Modernists were unsettled by the chaos and destabilization that the first World War brought about, the Post Modernists actually celebrated that “heterogeneity”: “A hallmark of the postwar period is its shift from unity to diversity as an ideal” (Baym, et. al, 2008, p. 2313). FOR THE ESSAY: Consider how the “post-modern” writers deal with diversity and a variety of experiences in ways that are different from the Modernists. Focus on that larger issue of the past and tradition in a Everyday Use, by Alice Walker. The goal here is to really consider what distinctions you see, if any, in those concerns as they are handled by Post Modernist writers versus the earlier writers.
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(December 06, 2011)
Everyday Use by Alice Walker
Generation change always brings conflict as there is a misunderstanding between the individuals who embrace certain values and heritage. Modernism arose as a revolt rejecting the traditional and conservative characters, values and practices of realism and incorporating new forms and modern ways (Smith & Wexler 1995). The First World War is seen as the kick off of the modernist period while World War II acted as the start of Post Modern Era. The story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker gives a symbolic view of the change from old to new and the conflicts that are witnessed during the change.
The story of two daughters where one who has changed to the new order, while the other still holds to traditions. Dee goes to college and embraces modernism and even changes her name to look modern and though she understands and respects her heritage and identity she uses it for the wrong reasons. Maggie on the other hand remains very committed to her heritage and identity and this is the reason for the conflict between the two daughters (Walker & Christian 1994).
The era of postmodernism is seen as structured while modernism was anarchist; construction as opposed to deconstruction, theory and opposed to anti the...
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