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Road Rage by Andrew Ferguson

Essay Instructions:
Please follow the instructions(See attachments) for the 3 paragraphs (Part B), then the 1 1/2 page essay (Part C). Paragraph#1 define “plagiarism” and discuss two (2) ways to avoid plagiarism in your writing. Attached is my assignment 4 that is due. Also attached is pages from the Evergreen book on Writing discussing," Writing Summaries" with pages pp. 232-235 to assisted you. Paragraph#2 "Road Rage" by Andrew Ferguson attached( Evergreen pp. 553-557) for another paragraph. Paragraph #3 3 online articles for one paragraph http://dmoz(dot)org/Society/Issues/Violence_and_Abuse/Road_rage/Prevention/ This will help you complete Part B. Part C can just be a independence paper following the instructions provided.
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This is an act of using other people’s ideas to be considered as your own. It is that act of presenting already initiated ideas pr products. For plagiarism to occur there must exist an original product or idea whereby another person borrows these ideas and presents them as the original writer. Plagiarism may occur in different forms: presenting work that has been done before and making it look new, passing on another person’s work as your own, deriving ideas from an already existing source and coming up with something that looks exactly like the original, failure to quote somebody else words and even lying about the source of information. In order to prevent plagiarism, one should always have proper time management so as to have enough time to conduct comprehensive research and to avoid the last minute rush. Proper managed time may reduce the temptation of copying another person’s work. One should also make sure that words from another writer are quoted. Again, if the report is being derived from books, journals, etc get the necessary facts only and try to explain them using your own understanding and with different words. It is also advisable to always quote the references or the sources of the work.

Andrew explains road rage as the aggressiveness of the drivers on almost all American roads. He says that aggressiveness is something that started decades ago but due to increased number of drivers, cars and mileages with no additional roads, congestion on the roads has increased. Currently people drive carelessly and are not cautious. Simple traffic rules like stop and traffic lights are no longer adhered to-they are seen as irritants. Drivers are never patient enough to wait for available parking lots. On the public service sector, the drivers are so impatient to even let the passengers get on board. They get very irritated on narrowing highway seeing them as waste of time.
Modern road usage can only be described to be as a result of emotion, skills and the acuity of the drivers. Every driver has his own skills which may be either explained using psychological or sociological theories. Surprisingly, research shows that 53% of the madness that is happening on the roads is caused by women. They would be rather the jerks on the roads than observe the rules. A recent crackdown by the Washington police, handed 60000 tickets as penalties for wreck less driving in a span of 28 days. Official driving lessons in America have become a thing of the past. It is unimaginable that in some states a comprehensive driving class only takes less than six hours without even preparing the drivers psychologically.
As much as the road rage experts have tried to come up with legislations to regulate driving on the roads, the big question stands to be, will they work or will drivers want these rules. Andrew sees road rage in America as a result of competitiveness, use of energy and power, tenacity all describing corruption of the traditional American drivers. The comfort provided by the modern cars whereby one can be multitask while still driving and if anything happens the driver believes that the car is under his command, is what has caused all these carelessness on the America highway. Andrew is on the view that than best therapy for all these drivers would be prayers.
Road rage in America has become a matter of concern after so many deaths and injuries being reportedly on the rise in the past few years (Tolchin, 1999). Most of these accidents have occurred due to aggressiveness and lack of adherence to the traffic rules. Many drivers blame the bad roads and congestion for these but research has proved that majority of the accidents are as a result of recklessness Some road rages are as a result of lack of understanding among the drivers us...
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