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Personal Narrative: Writing Essays

Essay Instructions:

Foreign student, live in us with a brother

Upper middle class

Family Value education

Learn English as a second language

Youngest in the family

Struggle at the beginning, brother lost his job, I have to find jobs to help pay the rent.

Get married, school before and after having kids


Going back to school with challenges as time, money and energy.

setting up an example for my kids : school is important and age is not an obstacle

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Personal Narrative Author Name Institution Affiliation I am an international student who is living with a brother. I have come here for higher studies, and after completing my education, I want to do a full-time, well-paying job in the respective field. My family is religious, and since my childhood, I have been thought why it is essential to give respect to others and what the role of religious or moral values in one’s life is. As English is my second language, I have always found it difficult to write essays like native speakers. Initially, when I first came to the United States, I could not even understand the language of my fellows, but with time, I gained knowledge and got to know how to speak Englis...
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