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Literary Analysis Paper Assignment Theme of Family in Coraline

Essay Instructions:

For this paper, you can focus on:


Pick One

Coraline by Neil Gaiman

James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl

Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson

Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Albert Alli

Choose one of the subjects below and discuss how you understand a THEME that emerges from the subject in any of the text options listed above.

• Family

• Bravery

• Friends

• Mentors

• Bravery

• Obstacles

• Secrets

• Other subject and theme of your choice approved by instructor

You must develop an analytical thesis (not merely a statement of fact) which you will then explain, discuss, and support in your paper with citations (quotations) from the text to illustrate and “show” your impressions and ideas.

So, let’s say you’re interested in the subject of “family.” Your question is what does my text or texts “say” about family? What is important? This analysis informs your thesis statement. If you choose two texts to discuss, it is because you think the texts “say” something very familiar about your subject and you want to discuss how you see this working together. Or maybe you think your texts say totally opposite ideas about your subject and you wish to contrast them.

Your paper will be a minimum of 1000 words, double-spaced Times New Roman with MLA in text citations and Works Cited page. You are only required to cite the text(s) but you may include scholarly research from the MLA database if you wish.

You must include a minimum of four citations, chosen as the best possible support for your “evidence,” not for plot exposition or context. You can include more.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Theme of Family in Coraline
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Coraline and her parents have just moved into a new apartment whereby she visits one of the neighbors who, in turn, predicts that her life is in danger. Coraline does not believe in her and given the fact that she likes exploring things, then manages to open a door which leads her into an identical flat to theirs. In that flat, there are Other parents and neighbors (Hosseinpour, 2016). The other parents seem nice to her, and as a result, she ends up being enticed by how much they care and the good food that they provide her with (Gaiman 2012). It is through such parents that the theme of family is revealed. Various actions throughout the fairy tale play a major role in building the theme of the family as well as the plot. Coraline’s two sets of parents shows the caring and the uncaring part of a family.
The texts display a context whereby the original family does not have much unity and concern for their child as compared to the second family. In most of the times, Coraline is left to play alone. This has resulted in her lacking the attention that a child ought to get from her parents. Therefore, through her various adventures of having fun and passing time, she ends up coming across a family that is more caring as compared to her family. A family ought to show unity and concern for each of the members regardless of their behavior. Coraline's parents are mostly busy, and therefore, they do not present the best family set up because they live their daughter to entertain herself. "Coraline shook her head. "Why don't you play with me?" she asked. "Busy," he said. "Working," he added. He still hadn't turned around to look at her” (50). Her mother seems to be busy with work to the extent that he does not have the slightest moment to pay attention to the daughter. He does not even look at her while they are communicating. Therefore, this is an example of the kind of neglection that Coraline is facing and hence, choosing to interact with the Other parents is justified. It is through such neglection that the author is able to build the climax of the play in the scene whereby the Other parents kidnap Caroline's parents in an attempt to have her as their loving daughter.
In addition, a family is defined by parents and children and therefore, the Other parents feel incomplete because they do not have children. As compared to Coraline’s parents. After meeting Coraline, they are able to express their affection and yearn for having their child through the manner in which they treat her. Parents show love to their children in many ways such as buying them presents and offering their time and attention to playing with them. Such actions are key to a happy family and could prevent the children from engaging in activities that could harm them. For instance, Coraline's parents end up being kidnapped as a result of her involvement with the Other parents. However, it is their actions that push Coraline into seeking other means of having fun. "We'll see you soon, though," said her other father. "When you come back." "Um," said Coraline. "And then we'll all be togethe...
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