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Shakespeare in Coca Cola Advertisement

Essay Instructions:

Blog posts of at least 800 words each describing a “hidden Shakespeare” that the student has found. These posts may discuss two different instances of hidden Shakespeare, or two elements of a single instance. They may not touch upon hidden Shakespeares discussed in class. The student is expected to keep their eyes peeled for Shakespeare references, Shakespeare used as a character, Shakespeare used as a plot device, etc. in genres such as: music, literature, film, television, Podcasts, art, poetry, sports, etc. These blog posts must meet conventions of standard written English, and must describe not only the hidden Shakespeare itself but also the cultural significance of it. Why was Shakespeare referenced in this instance? What was it about this “cultural moment” that made Shakespeare significant, as opposed to any other playwright or historical figure? Was this reference “accurate” to its source material? Why or why not? What deviations were there form the source material, and why were they made? These questions can form the basis of the blog posts, but students are encouraged to continue asking more.
A bibliography of no less than 5 good academic sources consulted while writing the blog posts, no “quickie” sources like Wikipedia.
Can I have the topic of the blog post before 4/29 and the bibliographies before 5/1?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Shakespeare in Coca Cola Advertisement
There are artists who rise and enjoy a few years of reign in the art industry only to be forgotten and replaced by the new artist, there are those who reign forever, and their works thrive on even after their death. Such include the likes of William Shakespeare whom we can only describe as a genius writer and an artist whose skills are unmatched. Shakespeare texts are popularly used for entertainment and in the education sector. One may ask why Shakespeare influences is so strong and why has he continued to endure even after he is long gone. According to (McEvoy, 1991). Shakespeare's life can be observed from two perspectives and that is Shakespeare who lives on writings or pages and the Shakespeare that is shown on the stage. These two perspectives have been debated upon for several years and scholars often separated on whether Shakespeare should be taught as if it was performed or as if it was written. However, whichever way one may choose, Shakespeare influence will still be felt and appreciated. Shakespeare has been referenced in a couple of items since his rise to stardom, may it be in music, poems, films or play, William Shakespeare's has influenced culture in so many ways (Coursen, 2005), and based on the above statements the following texts are going to look at references of William Shakespeare's in advertisement both traditional and in the modern ads.
There is no doubt Shakespeare is one of the exceptional authors of his time and together with a few others they make up English literature. On stage, his presence is felt even today and even though his work has unlimited respect some of his work has been changed to suit the audience preference. For example, the 17th century saw the play King Lear gets a happy ending. Both the King and the daughter would die in the earlier version of King Lear, however, the 17 century saw the play being revised and both the King and daughter survive and this was satisfied because the audience preferred this version more than the earlier one. This and other optimistic conclusions developed on Shakespeare major plays was a common thing back then and even though some were skewed to go the other way and made more gruesome. However, the changes made were not leaning as adaptions but at the time, they passed for Shakespeare's survival. According to Shellard & Keenan (2016) based on entertainment and commercial value what was performed on stage was what worked.
Sources: ("Coke ~ | The Real Thing | Coca Cola, Cola, Coca cola poster," n.d.
In the midst of the consumer boom after the postwar, the American advertisement i...
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