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Argumentative Essays Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube

Essay Instructions:

My topic is "Some research shows that social networking sites have a negative impact on young people. Do you agree? why or why not?

My thesis is talk about that addicted problem

1. an introductory paragraph that introduces the topic and necessary background information, leading readers to the thesis statement.

2. Two bodies paragraphs that build the argument by explaining each point, or reason, and giving clear evidence to convince the readers that the point or reason is valid.

3. A final body paragraph which raise a counterargument and a refutation that explains the counterargument's weakness and tells why your argument is more valid.

4. A concluding paragraph that restates the thesis and ends with a suggestion, prediction, or call to action.

Could you make mistake deliberately because my teacher will know is not my work if it is too prefect.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Argumentative Essay
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Social media has become an integral part of our lives. As of August 2018, nearly three billion people around the world use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram on a daily basis. They have made their own groups or communities and can be found talking about everything. Some of them use social networking sites to exchange information, some use them for finding their dream jobs, and some have been doing online businesses. A separate group of people, especially children, and teenagers is an addict to social media. A 2015 study reveals that the excessive use of technology, especially to social networking sites, disrupts the physical and mental health of people. They often develop sleeping disorders, gain weight and get depressed in the absence of physical activities. Children and teenagers skip their classes just because they cannot live without using their favorite social networking sites. In simple words, we can say that addiction to social media is bad for us.
Social media addiction has taken a toll on people’s lives at an alarming level. It is believed that a significant number of employees lose their jobs, students fail in the class, and housewives do not pay any attention to their families and houses. At an extreme level, social media’s use can cause accidental deaths because many people keep looking at their smartphones while they are on the road.
It is a common observation that people share everything on social networking sites, starting from when did they wake up, what is the color of their dress, th...
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