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Hashtags, Violence, and Change

Essay Instructions:

Describe a hashtag campaign you could actually launch to accompany a published version of your A3 essay. Along the way, address the following things: 

-How does your campaign complement, challenge, or otherwise interact with other hashtags you’ve identified?

-How will your hashtag more than the same thing that’s already being done? 

-To launch a hashtag campaign is to crowdsource the authorship of a text. What, exactly, are you crowdsourcing? To whom, you hope? Why? What do you expect to gain by sharing authorship in this way?

-What are some potential benefits and risks in giving up control of the narrative in this way?

-What can you do to design your campaign to minimize your hashtag being hijacked for trollish purposes?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Hashtags, Violence, and Change Name Institutional Affiliation Hashtags, Violence, and Change As far as the current times are concerned, the society has taken a harsh stand against promoting or condoning any forms of violence. This has become an integral part of defining the public agenda that is perpetuated with respect to said violence (Bilge & Marino, 2018). As a result, the fight against such forms of violence has continued to influence the way in which the society approaches the issue of violence. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that the hashtag campaigns aimed at providing insights into the nature of violence will prove quintessential to this process. While the hashtags such as #violence or #stopviolenceagainstwomen are effective, the most instrumental hashtag in this regard is the #changeagainstviolence hashtag. This hashtag is not only suited to publishing my essay, but also to creating meaningful conversations about changing the nature and rampant state of violence in the society. In this regard, my campaign against violence in the society can be amplified and further discussed with the aim of developing lasting solutions aimed at changing the widespread violence experienced across the country today (Bilge & Marino, 2018). At the same time, this discussion surrounding violence is aimed at changing the society into a more tolerant and considerate one, both of which are values that reflect positively on the pursuit of change and social transformation. It is extremely important to note that violence, whether general or gender-based, has become rampant in the society (Bilge & Marino, 2018). Because of this, it is becoming quite normal for instances of violent conduct to be reported. This has essentially spurred the creation of a...
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