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Dodge Ball Paper Writing Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Keep Dodgeball Alive

Format: Essay format. Double-spaced. Times New Roman. 12 font.

Length: 3 pages max.

Deadline: TBA


You are the head strategist for Keep Dodgeball Alive (KDA). You have been tasked with writing an

argument to defeat a proposed dodgeball ban. The proposed ban seeks to remove dodgeball from

physical education in all New York City public schools. The proposed legislation refers to dodgeball as a

dangerous "targeting" game, which "serves to reinforce behavior associated with bullying." Those

leading the charge have stated that dodgeball can simply be replaced by a "more suitable" activity.

Helpful Hints:

Do not consult any outside sources. I am aware that you do not have access to statistics, interviews, etc.

Do not focus on how dodgeball differs from the more commonly known forms of bullying. Instead,

establish a position that argues why dodgeball should remain in schools. This is not a bullying paper!

You should test the strength of your arguments by anticipating reasonable counterarguments.

Counterarguments should only appear in your paper if you feel you are strengthening your position by explicitly stating the counter. Otherwise, anticipate reasonable counters in your brainstorming phase to strengthen your position from the start and weed out any weak arguments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Dodge Ball Paper
Institutional Affiliation
Dodge Ball Paper
Dodge ball is one of the sports activity that has been in schools for several years now, and many children enjoy playing it, especially during the physical education lessons. Although the game has health and social benefits, some people still believe that it should be banned from schools due to its increased likelihood to cause injuries to the children and instilling bullying behavior. In fact, some states in the country such as Texas and Virginia have banned it, indicating that the sport is too violent, which can lead to bullying behavior among students. New York State is ready to ban dodge ball from its physical education lessons in a bid to curb violence and bullying behavior among the students in public schools. However, I believe that dodge ball offers several benefits to children and should not be banned from public schools as proposed. I will provide strong arguments against banning dodge ball in public schools in the New York State by describing some of the health and social benefits of dodge ball to the students.
Dodge ball has health benefits which improve students’ fitness and activeness. For instance, similar to other sports, dodge ball improves the cardiovascular health of the students due to physical exercising involved while playing. This way, the game can constitute as a form of interval training with participants running for short periods. What makes this activity an interesting one and unique from some of the other sports such as soccer is that almost all kids like participating in the sport. In addition, as far as fitness is concerned, the game plays a crucial role in improving the balance and the agility of the players. While playing the game, players carrying the ball across the court do not just run, they do so while dodging the ball which has the potential to improve their agility because they must adjust their bodies at rapid paces. Abrupt adjustment of bodies during the play can also help players improve their balance. Also, the game improves body strength because while playing, players must throw the ball a moderate distance to successfully hit the opponents. Throwing the ball requires muscle strength, which helps build muscle endurance when done repetitively.
Dodge ball helps with weight loss due to the burning...
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