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Gun Violence and Danger in Schools

Essay Instructions:

the topic is schools safer
each paragraph just need 5-6 sentences.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Are Schools Safe?
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Are Schools Safe?
Schools have become targets of mass shootings where a worrying numbers of students are killed and others injured, it is the incidence that happened in Parkland Florida at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018 where a killer murdered 17 students leading to protests of gun violence. A step to mitigate this led to suggestions of arming educators, a debate that has sparked a lot of controversy from supporters and non-supporters. This paper explores the reasons teachers should not be armed in schools. Teachers should not be armed in school as this changes their profession and teaching environment, training is costly and difficult and it raises moral issues as well CITATION Dav18 \l 1033 (Anderson, 2018).
Jessica’s view is that teachers are trained to be nurturers and caring to their students and they exert their authority differently from the police. When teachers are trained to use and carry firearms, this aspect of their profession changes. This will lead them to always stay alert for any danger that may arise and even treat innocent situations as suspicious of danger. The learning environment may change into a threatening environment and when this perspective changes, teachers may lose the nurturing attitudeCITATION Jes18 \l 1033 (Charles, 2018)
Anderson adds that some students may not be comfortable knowing their teachers have guns, this may cause fear in them. Teachers may be forced into something they are not ready for, teachers enter learning institutions because of their love for students and not to fight off criminals therefore this will be forcing them to do things their career jurisdiction does not entail neither are their motives. They will be required to not only teach and instill knowledge but carry the burden and responsibility of protecting their students from shooters, a job description fitting the police officers.
Anderson contends on the issue of financing, he says it is very expensive. Most schools are not able to facilitate l...
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